Chapter 13 - How did you get up here?

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"Back?? I just got here! I want to spend time with family and my fiancé,"

"Ok I don't think I've made it clear enough that I called off the engagement!" You announce to everyone.

"My sweet, are you still hanging onto that lie Gadreel spread?"

"It wasn't a lie,"

"I was sent to Sarah to guide her nothing more! You know I love you and only you," he intertwines your hand with his and pulls you by the waist. "It was always you, N/n,"

"Well you made it clear that I wasn't enough," you push away from him and turn to walk away.

"I said things I shouldn't have! I know that, but you should know I regretted them every second after that fight,"

"I- I cant talk about this in front of everyone," after mumbling this you spread your wings and shot into the sky. As silence passed suddenly it was interrupted by Alastor playing a booing track and him earning a few disapproving glances.

"So, mind showing me to my room?"

"Oho Nope! You are not staying in the palace!"

"Aw what? Come on, big bro! Have some hospitality," Lucifer flips the angel off.

"Find your own place," Lilith helps Lucifer out the crater. "And you better apologise to her,"

"Like I haven't done that enough!" He calls after Lucifer who ignored him and walked back to the palace.

"Uh, Uncle Gabriel?"

"Call me Gabe, Kiddo," Charlie gives a warm smile and nod.

"Well, Gabe, if you want somewhere to stay, you can come to the hotel. We have plenty of rooms!"


"Yeah! I have a hotel that is made to redeem souls!" Gabriel quirks an impressed brow.

"I think that's a wonderful idea! Tell me more," the two walked out the crater as the rest trail behind.


"She has a fiancé!" Alastor continues to pace, his shoes tapping against the wooden floor of his friend's abode. "A fiancé! Why wouldn't she tell me she had a fiancé?!"

"Alastor, dear, do calm down," Rosie sipped at her tea before gesturing to the chair in front of her. "Your story is a mess, and so are you," when he does sit down she pulls her chair forward to sort out his ruffled hair. "Now, it's been two Millenias, obviously they have separated?"


"Did she say that they weren't an item anymore?" Rosie narrows here eyes to Alastor who sighs and nods. "Exactly, now stop worrying,"

"But what if she takes an interest in him again??" The Radio demon leans forward in his chair and against the wooden table.

"From the story you told me in a plethora of volume levels, I'd say she has no interest,"

"He did say it was a lie spread by some angel called Gadreel!"

"For Satan's sake, Alastor, would you stop fussing? You act like a child sometimes,"

"I do not," The deer demon scowls and folds his arms like a toddler. Letting her hollow eyes 'roll' she places down the tea cup in her hand and stands up.

"Well, how about you go back to the hotel and rest up, this situation is doing you no good,"

"You mother me,"

"Only when you're a child," she pats his head and hands him his coat. "Now go," he rolls his eyes and gives a more thankful smile. After saying a quick thanks the male overlord left the household and journeyed back to the hotel, of course this was done with one quick snap of his fingers.


You dangled you're feet off the ledge of the clock tower, taking in all the chaos. You usually come here when out for a walk in the city. Of course there were stairs to the top but only the maintenance workers and royal family had keys to open the door. Flying was so much easier though, but you did fear being shot down by bored demons. So of course you were careful at all times.

Stretching your wings out for a few seconds you retract them back in, disappearing them from sight. Laying your hand back against the cool stone ledge you close your eyes, leaning your head back, and feel the polluted air rush past. Opening them back up you see a pair of red and white eyes staring back.

"Holy shit!" You roll to the side and get your blade out. The doll demon giggles and snaps a photo of you. "Overlord Velvet..."

"Just call me Velv!" She prances over and peers at you, who had gotten out of your fighting stance. "You're Lucifers sister aren't you?"

"H-how did you know?"

"Always see you at the overlord meetings, and your wings kinda give it away!" She pops open a bottle and takes out some tweezers. "Mind if I get a few feathers for some potions?"

"Yes, I really mind," you growl. She pouts and places away the objects. "How did you get up here?"

"A girl can't give away all her secrets can she?" Rolling your eyes you sit back down, shifting away when she sits beside you. "So what's on your mind?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," you grumble making her gasp.

"No need to be so hostile! I'm just asking jeez..."

"S-Sorry it's... it's just been a busy day,"

"Boy problems?" You nod hesitantly. "Well tell me what the problem is, let's see if I can solve it,"

"Uhm... why the hell not?" Taking a deep breath you start the summary.


Velvet is my little cupcake I love her so much!!!

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Velvet is my little cupcake I love her so much!!!

- Anna ❤️

Deals with the Fallen: Alastor x fallen fem!Angel!readerWhere stories live. Discover now