Here Comes BW

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By the time I got back to the manor I couldn't be more tired and frustrated. The moment that woke me up was probably when I saw the way Hayden was looking at her. His eyes radiated unconditional love, and his smile was the biggest I have seen him since he arrived. I watched them for a few minutes, anyone would think they were mimicking each other. They made the same gestures, laughed at the same time, their smiles were the same, and there seemed to be a totally impossible complicity for someone you supposedly just met.

Hearing her say I looked like a prince made me blush like an idiot, and honestly ended up confusing me even more.

It's not that I've never thought of her that way, it's honestly the opposite. The first time I saw her, I was shocked. I had an immense need to be near her, for her to know my name, to talk to me. I was looking for a way to talk to her without making it look suspicious when I started hearing different people throughout the day telling her that I was just a heartless rich kid. I guess she believed them because she never tried to talk to me. At that time my grades were perfect but I had not been interested in entering any extracurricular program, until I saw her enrolled in the basketball team.

No one could believe that the Damian Wayne walked into the gym in sportswear ready for a team game, I heard them talk about how no one could remember the last time I spoke to them and did not insult them in any way, and frankly I found it amusing. But it also made it impossible for me to get to her and talk without looking suspicious, and even if I could, what was I supposed to say? What do normal girls talk about?

We ended up in different teams, and during the game she tripped and made us fall to the ground. I managed to grab her by the waist to ensure that the one who fell against the ground was me, and when I opened my eyes to make sure she was okay, I found her inches from my face. Her eyes had me hypnotized, I couldn't move. But suddenly everyone started standing around us, clearly expecting me to throw a tantrum, and I did. I couldn't let people think that I have a soft spot for the new girl.

"How can a person be so clumsy? do you need glasses or something? If you don't know how to coordinate properly, you probably shouldn't have signed up for this." I tried not to sound such as a jerk as usual, so, I thought she would be grateful, I didn't expect what she answered at all.

"Being rich doesn't give you the right to behave like an idiot. Accidents happen, and as clumsy as I am, I can beat you up easily, Wayne." That's when I saw the fire in her eyes for the first time. I realized that she was much more than what meets the eye. And the need I felt to fully discover her scared me.

"Let's see if you are more than words, Dupain-Cheng. And If you want to keep embarrasing yourself, try not to take me with you."

I am not as clueless as my family thinks I am. I knew from the first second I saw her that getting close to her was dangerous. What I felt in that moment is something that I had never felt before. But as much as I tried, I couldn't imagine kissing her forehead, or walking hand in hand with her, or doing those kinds of cheesy, ridiculous things that I see every couple do. I couldn't imagine her agreeing with my lifestyle, or me living peacefuly knowing that every day I put her at risk.

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