Here Comes M

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I honestly don't know what to get out of all this. I never saw the common and mortal life for me. And now it turns out I'm going to have 3 kids. Will at least some of what I had planned come true? Or is it better that I get used to the idea that I will have a mundane and boring future? Maybe even one of those hideous vans that appear in the rom-coms that Grayson watches.

The boy walks calmly between Todd and Drake towards the zeta tubes, Grayson drops his arm on my shoulder.

"He seems to be a wonderful boy." He realizes that I am not going to answer and continues.

"Do you understand what I did there? I guessed literally saying boy wonder would sound too forced." The idiot looks so proud of his lousy comment that it makes me smirk. For a second I forget what is happening but I hear Hayden laugh and I return to my overwhelming reality.

"You know nothing is wrong, right? On the contrary, you seem to do an amazing job as a father, the kid's adorable, smart and confident. And he hasn't stopped talking about how amazing we all are as a family. Call me crazy but I think it's really incredible that a family as broken as ours can raise children like him. I'm proud of you, us, and him."

"You just met the kid, Grayson." A small feeling of pride passes through my body, although for now it is difficult for me to understand that this boy only a few years younger than me is mine, my son.

By the time we get to the zeta tubes Drake has already registered Hayden and we are all transported to the batcave.

Hayden's eyes start to shine and his whole face lights up, no one can stop him in time and in a second he's already hugging Alfred.

"I feel like I've experienced this before, probably in my dreams. But the boy asked me where the other servants were."

The idiots are laughing. I start to watch Hayden, who seems to be tearing and trying very hard not to cry. Considering Pennyworth's age, it's easy enough to imagine why.

"However, as charming as it was, I think I prefer this introduction." Alfred looks as happy as the boy.

"How can you be hugging him like that if you don't even know who he is, Pennyworth?"

The old man smiles, looking from Hayden to me. "I've raised enough Wayne's to recognize one when I see it, Master Damian."

"The thing that excited me the most about coming here is being able to spend time with you, Alfred. I'm Hayden, by the way. Your favorite Wayne after Grandpa Bruce." Will it be wise to raise my middle finger at my own son?

"Demon spawn's baby must be right, he's been here an hour and he's already my favorite Wayne." I decide to take advantage of Todd's unnecessary comment to get rid of some of the accumulated tension that I have so I hit him hard on the arm. It doesn't solve anything but it makes me feel a little more relieved.

We all eat dinner in silence after agreeing to talk more to Hayden tomorrow when he's more rested. Before Pennyworth leads him to his room, he hugs me quickly and runs after him.

I go blank, the eyes of my brothers on me. I've had multiple hugs since I came to this house, at least one daily from Grayson. But this one felt completely different. I don't even have words to describe it.

The next day for the first time I am grateful father made me come to school, and even more grateful that he is on a work trip this week.

"Damian, are you listening to me? Wayne? Damian!" I was so busy thinking about my ruined future that I didn't even realize my annoying teacher is calling me.

"Yes?" She looks angry, but by now she knows me and decides not to push.

"You will work in pairs for the next history project. Before you complain,no, this time I won't let you do it alone. And actually I already assigned you a partner, Marinette."

Fucking hell, just what I needed. I turn to see her, she just rolls her eyes and continues drawing in her notebook. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. One of my strategies to endure this place involves not talking to absolutely anyone, not forming positive nor negative bonds. Excluding Kent, and ironically, Dupain-Cheng. She is stubborn, with justice syndrome, competitive, and can never keep quiet.

Our personalities are just as explosive and tend to collide in all kinds of situations. Gymnastics, basketball, mathematical olympiads, even the damn spelling bee, we always end up competing with each other as if our lives depended on it.

The teacher gives us time to talk with our partners and I see her walk calmly and sit in the empty chair next to me.

"I know what you are going to say. You can do it alone, I'm probably just going to be slowing you down, you probably know everything about the project since you were a child and bla bla I'm better than everyone bla bla I don't need this bla bla bla."

I'm about to interrupt her when she puts her finger to my lips indicating to be quiet. Doesn't last a second but it seems to make her feel uncomfortable and she turns red. Weirdest girl I know. She composes quickly and speaks again.

"I don't care about your excuses, we are going to work together on this project." Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. I know her well enough to know that she's not going to change her mind, and I have so much on my head right now that it will be easier to accept.

"As long as you behave civilly, I guess working with you shouldn't be too unpleasant."

She smirks, seems to have taken my comment with grace. "But I have a problem, we cannot work at my house."

Somehow I end up inviting her to the manor, even knowing that my pre-teen son is hanging around with my annoying brothers. What could go wrong?

Classes are finally over and I'm surprised when I see her walking towards the door instead of towards me. "Dupain-Cheng?" I can see how her body tenses when she hears my voice, and turns slowly.

"Yes, Damian?"

"Where are you going? Wait for me, or are you going to drive my car yourself?" She seems surprised, at first even stuttering her answer. "I, I thought we would meet at your place."

For someone so smart, sometimes she doesn't think before she acts. Another thing we have in common. "Nonsense, I know you walk here every day. If we are going to the same place it is obvious that it's more efficient for you to come with me. So, let's go." She just nods.

When I get close enough I wave for her to pass me her backpack. Grayson does this all the time and explained to me that you practically lose your honor when you don't make this simple, mundane gesture of chivalry. Maybe I'm doing it wrong because she looks at me as if I've gone crazy. She stares at my outstretched hand and slowly hands me the backpack, her cheeks reddening again. Is she getting sick?

We started walking towards the car and the truth is that it is not as annoying to be with her as I imagined it would be. We didn't even leave the building and she was already tripping over her own foot, which made us both start laughing and shortly after, bragging about our latest victories to the other. I couldn't help but realize that a lot of people were watching us but as always, I decided to ignore it.

As expected, she talked all the way to the house, what I didn't expect was for me to be enjoying what she was saying. The way her blue eyes sparkled with excitement reminded me of the way Hayden's sparkled yesterday. I definitely need to find the courage to talk to him.

As we enter the manor, the first thing we see is Hayden. His eyes water again when he looks at us and runs off. Great, he hasn't been here a day and he already hates me so much he wants to cry. I'm definitely going to win dad of the year.

🦋Author's Note: So, this chapter helps me to shape what is to come. Soon we'll get to know what happens to Hayden, a French girl's opinion of the younger Wayne, and also more information on certain twins. 👭🏻 Happy reading! Comments mean the world to me! (are the ones that make me want to write, tbh.)

On another note, I was doing an edit of Daniella Wayne and just when I finished it I deleted it by mistake 🤡

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