Chapter 19

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Anita's POV

''Baby, wake up.'' I heard Vince's voice waking me up.
''I don't want to.'' I whined and buried my face in his chest.
''You need to get ready for your mom's funeral.''
''I'm not ready to let her go.'' I said tears pooling in my eyes.

He sighed and caressed my hair. I let his comfort consume me as I didn't have strenght for anything. Since I found out my mother passed away three days ago, I feel so tired.

''I know you aren't, but you have to. Your mom wouldn't want to see you sad and you know that.'' He consulted me. I brought up my head and gave him weak smile.
''You're right. She wouldn't want this.'' I said. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

''Okay then. Let's get up. Do you want me to help you shower?'' He asked tucking hair strand behind my ear.
''No, I can manage.''

He went to his room and I went to the bathroom. I took a long warm shower and got dressed in black shirt and black stretchy pants. I put on my black blazer and slipped in my shoes.

Vince was dressed in black suit and black button-up shirt. He took my hand and led me downstairs. He made us quick toasts so I won't feel hungry. I need to feed the baby, it's not because of myself.

He drove off to the church where people were gathered. I saw my cousins and close family. Some people I didn't recognize, but they are probably my mom's childhood friends. I was happy that somebody came here and to know that they cared about my mom.

Vince helped me to sit in the front row and he sat next to me.
''Do you need anything? Water or tissues?'' He whispered.
''I'm fine.'' I gave him a weak smile. He kissed my forehead and put my hand in his.
''Just tell me if you need something.'' I nodded.

I was praying for my mom all the time. I feel so painful and sad. There is emptiness in my heart. I know my mom isn't here with me, but she will take care of me in heaven. She is by God's side now and I'm happy that she can't suffer anymore. She suffered enough on this land.

When we finished in church, few men brought my mom's casket out as we went to the cemetary. Cemetary was near the church where all funerals were held.

I broke down crying where they were putting casket down. This is truly the end. My mom won't be here with me. My poor mom.

Vince wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to his side. I fisted his shirt, sobbing loudly. He leaned down and kissed my head.
''I'm here. I'm here.'' He repeated slowly and caressed my hair.

Burial was finished as people were putting flowers on the grave. They were giving me condolences as I thanked them. It was all too much. Vince and I were the only ones who was left on the grave.

''Are you ready to go home?'' He asked kneeling beside me. I cried again.
''It's hard to let go.'' I sobbed.
''I know, baby. But you can't stay all day here. And we're are going to come tomorrow too.'' He kissed my nose. I nodded as he helped me to get up.

We came back home and I went to my room. I took off my shoes and socks. I didn't even noticed it's already afternoon. I guess I stayed too long there. I didn't even check my phone when I saw mesagge from Rob.

''Would it be okay if I come to your place to give you condolences?''
''Yes. I will send you the address.''

I sent him address of Vince's house. He knows that I'm pregnant and Vince is the father, but he doesn't know why and he doesn't need to know. I'm grateful that he cares about me as a good friend.

''Baby, are you okay?'' Vince asked as he entered the room. He already changed in black sweatpants.
''I'm fine. Rob will come here to give me condolences.'' I said. He had displeased look on his face and I know why. He doesn't like Rob at all.

''Okay. I'll be with you.'' He assured me. I nodded my head as he wrapped his arms around me.
''Do you want to lay down for a bit?'' He cooed and kissed my cheek.
''I think I should.'' I said.

He opened duvet as I ploped under it. Then he laid next to me and caressed my bump. I sighed in content when my body felt at ease. I stressed too much and it's not good for a baby.

I was almost falling asleep when doorbell dinged. Vince removed himself off of me leaving me cold. Me, too, got up and followed him out the room.

On the door stood Rob with look of pity. He firmly nodded his head at Vince and hugged me.
''I'm so sorry for your mother, Anita.''
''It's okay. We didn't know it would happen so sudden.''

He let go of a hug as I led him inside to the living room. I brought glass of juice from the kitchen and sat next to the Vince. He had blank look on his face as he put his arm around me.

''I'm sorry that I didn't come to the funeral. I was working.''
''It's fine. I'm glad that you came here.''

We were talking for a little then Rob went to the bathroom. He said that he needs to leave when it reached 7 p.m. I'm glad that he came to visit when he couldn't come to the funeral.

I got back to the room and decided to shower. I took my undergarments when I noticed white note in the drawer. My eyes widened at what was written.

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