Chapter 1

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Anita's POV

I rushed out of high school with the diploma in my hand. I had to get on time for my job which is in cafe. I started working there at the beginning of this year and I like the payment so I stayed.

I got just on time and started my afternoon shift. My boss is really kind and nice old man. He sometimes let me visit my mom earlier in the shift for which I'm so grateful. I want to believe there are good people on this world like my boss is.

The shift was doing fine for most of the time. There are not too many people so I have less work but that's fine also. I learnt to be hardworking since I was little and that came to my advantage now that I'm older because I got to help my mom.

While I was charging a drink to one of the customers, everyone got quiet suddenly. I noticed that so I looked up to see what's going on when I saw normal man standing there. Okay, maybe he didn't look so normal but he seemed like casual person.

His heavy steps made it's way to where I was standing. He was huge compared to me, but thankfully counter I was staying behind was making me taller than I am. I smiled softly as he approached me, but it didn't affect his stonehard face.

''Hello! What can I get for you today?'' I chirped.
''Coffee.'' He grumbled.
''Right away, Sir.'' I said.
He went to sit on one of the empty chair while I rushed to fullfill his order.

He is actually really handsome when you take a look at his face. His neck showed few tattoos that his shirt hasn't covered. His hair is messy and his eyes are brown like honey. His cologne smelled so strong that I thought I'll get drunk from it. But anyway, he looks intimidating the most.

I finished cup of coffee for him as I was bringing it to him. Just when I arrived to his table, my hand shook a little and that made me spill the coffee on the floor. Unfortunately, the coffee got on his, probably expensive, shoe.

''I'm so sorry. It was an accident. I'll get the tissues right away.'' I said with apologetic look on my face and rushed to take tissues.

I wiped the table that got a little dirty.
''Clean my shoe too.'' He commanded. I looked at him confused as he pointed down with his eyes. I swallowed in embarassment and got on my knees to wipe his shoe.

When I finished, I lifted myself up quickly and wiped the tear that escaped my eye. This was such humility. I picked up the dirty tissues before apologizing.
''I'm sorry for what I did. I will bring you new coffee.''
''No need. I was on my way. This cafe holds poor service.'' He said.
''I'm sorry, again.''

He went outside of the door leaving me embarassed around all this people who were giving me looks of pity. I threw the dirty tissues in the trash can before going back on my position. I never spilled something. I really don't know how this happened.

The rest of the day was doing okay even if I was a little bit insecure with bringing drinks to the tables, but nothing happened. I was happy when my shift ended as I locked the door of cafe.

I headed home after sending a message to my mom just to tell her I'm fine and to ask her how is she. She immediately responded that she is okay and I was happy to hear that.

My mom is for most of the time in hospital and bills are adding up. When I got home, I took a shower and got dressed in my pajama. I laid on the bed as I took my old laptop to start searching for another job.

I will acustomize myself now because I'm not going in the high school anymore so I have time to take another work and that will ease my situation with bills. I love my mother and I want to take good care of her like she did all these years for me.

I applied for few jobs and I'll see if they would accept me in few days. I hope one of them works because I'm really in need and these jobs have good conditions.

After awhile, I fell asleep completely. I always have hope that new day will bring good people and good things.

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