XXXIV: us against the world

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"Mummy! I need help!" I'm brought out of my thoughts by Chunhei's calling. 

"Coming, munchkin!" I yell back, getting up from where I was putting my clothes into the drawers Yoongi had given me. 

I walk past Yoongi, who's sitting in his office with his over-ear headphones on, and sigh as I make a mental note to check up on him. Once we brought up my few boxes and the others left, it was already 2pm. Yoongi helped me unpack a few boxes before heading into his studio to finish up some in advance. It was now 5pm. 

"Hi, lovey. What's going on?" I enter Chunhei's room and plop onto my giant bean bag that she had claimed as hers now. 

"Can you check if I put everything I need?" She asks, jumping into my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck. 

I nod and place a kiss in her forehead before putting her on the bean bag and walking over to the pink suitcase propped open on her bed. 

Warm clothes. Pants. Shoes. Undies. 

"Chunnie?" I question, turning to the little Min.

"Yes, mummy?"

"You forgot your jammies," I point out, walking over to her drawer and pulling out a few winter pajama sets and placing them neatly into her bag, "Alright, all set. Just pack your toothbrush and hairbrush tomorrow morning and we should be good!" 

"Thank you, mummy!" She jumps up and hugs me tightly, "Where's daddy?"

"In his office. I was actually going to go and check up on him. Wanna come?"

She nods and grabs onto my outstretched hand. She leads the way to Yoongi's office and lets go as soon as we enter. She bursts into a fit of giggles before running full speed and jumping into her father's lap. 

Yoongi lets out a dramatic gasp before taking his headphones off and wrapping his arms around Chunhei to keep her from falling. 

"Hi, kitten," He yawns, kissing her pouty lips, "Have you finished packing?"

"Yes! Mummy helped me! I almost forgot to bring jammies."

"You almost always do," Yoongi's gummy smile grows bigger as he turns to face me, "Come here, jagi."

I walk over and wrap my arm around his neck. He turns his head and buries it into my side. 

"Can we go and watch Mulan?" Chunhei asks, giving Yoongi and I her best puppy eyes.

"Of course, baby," Yoongi answers, messing around on his computer for a few seconds before powering off, "Let's order takeout too."

the next morning; 5am

"Do we have everything?" Yoongi asks as he places the last bag into the trunk. 

I finish settling a sleeping Chunhei into the backseat before heading to where Yoongi was at. I  count the bags and go through my mental checklist before confirming with Yoongi. 

"Gosh, this is the most organized new year's trip I've ever been on," He lets out a sigh of relief, pulling me into a deep kiss, "Every year, I always have to pack the bags, put them in the car, then lug a sleeping child into the car without waking her up because we all know the horror of waking up a kid at 5am."

"I'm here now," I give his arm a reassuring squeeze before sneaking another kiss, "Let's get going!"

Yoongi and I close the trunk as quietly as possible before getting into the car, careful not to wake the sleeping princess in the back. We finally pull out of the parking garage and start the 5 hour drive to Busan. 

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