XIX: clingy

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After two Disney movies and lots of cuddles later, Chunhei began to get restless and started fidgeting around in her seat. 

"What's wrong, Chunnie?" I try and soothe her, stroking her soft cheek. 

"'m bored! I wanna play outside," She pouts, digging her head into my neck. 

She starts kicking her feet, throwing the blanket that I covered her in earlier. 

"Chunei, stop it right now," Yoongi scolds in a stern voice. 

This doesn't help at all and just riles Chunhei up even more. She lets out a frustrated whine and soon I hear sniffles emerging from her. 

"What's got you so riled up, princess?" I question, pulling her away from my neck, making her face me. 

A few tears stream down her face as she shakes her head and continues to throw a small fit. 

"Give her to me," Yoongi pipes up, transferring her from my lap to his. 

Chunhei doesn't take this easily and begins bawling, tears freely-flowing down her cheeks. 

Yoongi is unfazed. He watches her for a few seconds before turning to you and smirking. 

"What time did your uncles put you to sleep, Chunhei?" Yoongi questions, tilting his head slightly at his daughter. 

A few more sniffles come from the little girl before she wipes her tears away with the back of her hands, "I don't know but uncle Joonie and Haru were already sleeping."

"I'm gonna kill those three," Yoongi whispers under his breath, handing Chunhei over back to me before grabbing his phone from the coffee table and excusing himself to the kitchen. 

I let out a few giggles before wiping a few stray tears from Chunhei's eyes, "I think I know why someone is in a bad mood."

Chunhei lets out another few sniffles before sending me a questioning look. 

"Did you have fun with your uncles last night, munchkin?"

"Uh huh! Uncle Taetae had so many treats hidden in this cool box and it was high up on the shelf so that uncle Minnie can't get to it! And uncle Minnie and I played games and uncle Kookie let me try out these cool gloves thingies. It was so fun, mummy!" She babbles on and suddenly everything clicks in my head. 

"Okay that's the last time you're sleeping over with those uncles, Chunnie," Yoongi comes back, plopping onto the sofa and leaning his head against your shoulder. 

"But daddy I love hanging out with them!" Chunhei whines. 

Yoongi reaches forward, tickling Chunhei's tummy, "I know, sweetheart, they are so fun that they put you to bed at 12am!"

I gasp and look at Chunhei, who's hanging her head guiltily. 

"That's why you were so sleepy earlier! Naughty munchkin!" I scold jokingly, pulling her into a cuddle. 

"We gotta get going soon, kitten. I gotta do some work at home," Yoongi speaks up, getting up and organizing Chunhei's things. 

"Nooo," She whines, wrapping her arms around my neck, squeezing tight, "Don't wanna leave mummy." 

"You'll see me tomorrow afternoon at your dentist appointment, baby," I try to soothe her, rubbing her back. 

"Too long!" She fights back. 

"I'm so sorry, love," Yoongi interjects, "She's never been this clingy before. I don't know why she's acting like this."

I hum in response, turning to look up at Yoongi, "I think she's just adjusting to having a mum. I noticed she's clung to me ever since we told her that we're together."

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