53 | Runaway

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Fred opened the door, wiping the tears from his face. His eyes were puffy and swollen, but he couldn't care less in the moment. The people on the other side were Ministry officials, he couldn't give a darn about them.

''Hello, you must be Mr. Weasley,'' one of the wizards spoke.

''Yeah,'' Fred said, his voice raspy. ''How can I help you?''

''We're looking for Miss Y/n L/n? We were informed she lives here,'' the second one spoke.

''What do you want with her?'' asked Fred as he crossed his arms. He most likely looked intimidating to the shorter males, since they backed up a bit.

''She didn't show up on the inspection she'd been invited to, so we were sent to check and talk with her,'' the first one spoke again.

''So you simply came to arrest her?''

The two shared a look and Fred noticed their annoyed expressions. They looked back at the ginger and the second one said, ''We would like to speak to Miss L/n right now.''

''You're out of luck,'' Fred said, sniffing slightly. ''She's gone.''

The first one furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Fred in suspicion. ''What do you mean she's gone?''

''Exactly what you're hearing. She ran away two days ago and I have no idea where she went,'' Fred informed them. ''She left a note, if you'd like to read it. You can look through the house, her belongings are gone, as well.''

The two men shared a look before telling Fred they'd like to see the note. Fred invited them to enter and the two did, waiting at the door whilst Fred went back to the living room to take the note from the coffee table.

''Is it the Ministry?'' George whispered when Fred entered the room.

''Yeah,'' Fred nodded and picked up the note, going back to the two men and handing it to them.

Dear Freddie,

I'm sorry to have to have to inform you like this, but otherwise I'd be putting you in more danger as it is. I'm running away, catching the first train to wherever it takes me. Don't look for me, please, I don't want to put you in anymore danger. I love you so much, please don't forget this.


Fred had the note practically engraved in his mind from how many times he'd read it. The two handed the note back, though both of them looked at Fred warily. The first one dipped his hat and wished the ginger a good day, which didn't sound genuine, then left the apartment.

Closing the door, Fred walked back to the living room, plopping down on the coach next to his brother. He picked up his cup of tea and raised it. ''Cheers, for my remarkable acting skills!''

George laughed at his brother and the two drank from their cups. ''I'm surprised they didn't use Veritaserum on you, that's some shabby work.''

''I think they just couldn't care less, which played well in our favor,'' Fred shrugged. ''As long as they don't bother Y/n, it's fine with me.''

''Yeah, alright,'' George finished his cup of tea and got up. ''We should probably go, now. They're waiting for us.''

- - -

Y/n sat next to Fleur on the couch, nervous shivers running through her. Had it worked? Had Fred and George convinced the Ministry? What if they were taken away? Then it would be Y/n's fault. She shouldn't have agreed to this, she shouldn't have-

''Hey, love.''

Y/n shot up, turning around to see Fred standing at the doorway of the living room. He was still wearing his official jacket, the one he'd worn when he'd picked her up from King's Cross when she graduated. She ran to him, wrapping her arm around his shoulders tightly and burying her head in the crook of his neck.

''Oh Godric, you had me so worried,'' Y/n admitted as he wrapped his own arms around her. ''Nothing to worry about, everything's under control, just as I promised,'' Fred said. ''Even if they didn't catch on the hook, George and I already packed so we can stay here as well. Godric bless Bill for being such a good brother. Unlike some people.''

Y/n's mood fell upon the mention of Percy. They Weasleys were still very much hurting of his betrayal. She looked up at her boyfriend, noticing his red and puffy eyes.

''Were you crying?'' Y/n asked as she examined his face. ''What happened?''

Fred laughed. ''Well, I had to look convincing, didn't I?''

''No way you actually cried!'' Y/n exclaimed in disbelief. ''And on purpose?''

''I had to learn that at a young age. Helps with getting away with mischief, if you know what I mean.'' Fred winked. Y/n rolled her eyes and went on her tippy-toes, pressing her lips to his. He smiled as he pulled her in closer, deepening the kiss.

''You two are adorable, I can't wait for the wedding!'' Fleur commented, reminding the two that she was in the room as well and had witnessed everything.

Both Fred and Y/n blushed slightly at her words, looking away from each other. As much as they knew they loved each other deeply, it was still an awkward topic to talk about around other people, since they weren't engaged nor have they talked about that.

''Fleur!'' Y/n exclaimed, blush coating her cheeks.

The French girl laughed. ''What! Can't I speak my mind?'' Fleur asked, causing Y/n to stick her tongue out at her friend and hug Fred tighter, at which the ginger laughed.

He Calls Me Love | Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ