46 | Auror Interview

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''Are you sure George will be fine? We can stay today and go another day,'' Y/n said as she and Fred walked towards the front door.

''He'll be fine,'' Fred reassured as he grabbed her jacket from the hanger and handed it to her before picking up his own. ''Look, I know you're nervous, but you shouldn't be. You're a Gryffindor, be brave! You'll nail it anyway.''

Y/n let out a sigh. ''Okay, let's go.''

The new school year had started a week ago, so it's been way quieter in the joke shop. The twins were focusing more on delivers now, considering their primary customers couldn't come to the shop, so surely George could handle the work by himself for a day.

The two left the apartment and apparated to a street near the Ministry of Magic, where Y/n's interview would be held. The two looked for the red telephone box that's used as an entrance to the Ministry, following the directions Arthur had given them.

62442, Fred dialed after the two had entered.

''Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business,'' the welcoming witch's voice rang through the telephone box.

''Frederik Weasley, here to accompany Y/n L/n to her job interview,'' Fred said.

''Thank you,'' the cool female voice spoke. ''Please take your respectative badges and attach them to the front of your robes.''

A click was heard, then a rattle and then two badges slid from the metal chute where returned coins usually appear. Each of them picked their badge and put it on the front of their shirts.

The bottom of the box started sinking, the two going with it. ''The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant day,'' the woman's voice said.

The elevator stopped and Fred walked out, taking Y/n's hand and pulling her with him. She'd never been to the Ministry of Magic before, so she took in the view, whilst Fred led the way. Arthur had explained to his son where to go, so Y/n trusted him with the way.

Soon enough they arrived at the office, Y/n looking at the door in nervousness. ''You can do it,'' Fred, who'd noticed her state, encouraged her.

She looked at him for a second, then nodded in determination. ''Right. I can do it,'' she said, looking back at the door. ''I'm not afraid. I'm a Gryffindor, I'm a Gryffindor, I'm a Gryffindor.'' She chanted quietly to herself, then knocked on the door before entering.

Fred smiled to himself and went to sit in the waiting area, where a few witches and wizards where already sat. He tapped his foot on the ground, watching the door and waiting for Y/n to come out.

''Fred? You're already here?'' The ginger boy looked up and noticed his father standing there.

''Oh, hey, Dad,'' Fred greeted. ''Yeah, Y/n just went in.''

''Was she nervous?'' Arthur asked as he took the seat next to his son.

Fred cocked an eyebrow. ''Don't you have work?''

''I have some time,'' Arthur answered.

The younger Weasley chuckled. ''She was very nervous,'' he answered his father's previous question. ''But I believe in her. Her graders were all perfect  and sure they'll accept her. She'll be one of the best Aurors, I can see it.'' 

His father smiled warmly. ''You really love her, don't you?''

The boy's cheeks got warmer. ''Yeah, I do,'' Fred said. ''Dad, I think . . . I think she's the one.''

''That's very nice to hear, son,'' Arthur said. ''I'm happy for you both.''

''Thank you.''

Arthur looked at his watch, jumping up upon seeing the time. ''Blimey, I have to go. Do stop by sometime, will you? Your mum and I miss you and George. Bring Y/n, too.''

Fred nodded. ''Will do, Dad.'' Arthur nodded and walked away to continue with his work, whilst Fred remained in his seat. He felt better after having talked with his father about this. He just had to wait for a bit before actually acting upon it.

- - -

''I have one last question,'' the woman spoke as she looked at Y/n. ''Why do you want to be an Auror, Miss L/n?''

Why did she want to be an Auror? Was it because of the money? Because she didn't know what else she wanted to be? Because it seemed cool?

''I want to be an Auror because I want to be able to protect my friends and family,'' Y/n admitted. And it was true. She wanted to protect her friends and family. Of course she still found the job cool and interesting, and the payment was good as well, but that was simply a bonus.

''Your NEWT marks are excellent and I'm very impressed by your seven years at Hogwarts, Miss L/n,'' the woman Y/n had been speaking with said. ''We will look over your application and send you a letter once we've come to a decision.''

''Thank you very much,'' Y/n nodded as the two stood up and shook hands. She left the office and let out a relieved breath.

''Hey, love,'' Fred said as he approached his girlfriend. ''How'd it go?''

She gave him a smile. ''Very well, actually. The woman said she was very impressed.''

''That's great!'' exclaimed Fred, giving her a hug. ''You were worried for nothing.''

''Yeah,'' Y/n said. ''C'mon, let's go home. She said they'll send me a letter when they've come to a decision, so all I can do now is wait.''

''Okay, let's go,'' Fred said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. The two headed out the same way they came from, this time more confidently.

''Thanks for coming with me today, Freddie,'' Y/n said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. ''It means a lot.''

''I'll always be there for you, love.''

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