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"What now?" Your mother sighed, slamming her foot on the break once again. The car had barely moved a hundred yards before a police car pulled out in front of you.

Even though your heart was already beating from sobbing so much, it started to pound even harder at the sight of the car. If John B and Sarah were safe and Ward Cameron had been arrested, what the hell would the cops possibly want with you?

Sheriff Shoupe stepped out of his car. You reached out and took Kid's hand in yours. You could feel his pulse pounding through his hand. The Sheriff knocked on your mom's window before placing his hands on his hips. Your mother plastered on a smile and rolled her window down.

"Can I help you, Deputy Shoupe?" She asked.

"It's Sheriff now, Alice."

"What happened to Peterkin?"

You sighed, rubbing your temples.

"Long story," was all Shoupe said. "You kids okay back there?"

You met his eyes and gave him a short nod.

"I've got a ferry to catch, officer," your mother said, tapping her nails on the wheel. "What can I do for you?"

"There's no way you're getting on a ferry today, Alice," Shoupe said, turning his attention back toward your mother. "You're not leaving this island."

"I was told that because the investigation was over, the ferries were open again."

"They are."

"Then stop being so damn cryptic and tell me why I can't take my children off this goddamn island, Shoupe."

The Sheriff sighed and took off his sunglasses.

"We found your husband, ma'am."

Your heart froze in your chest, an invisible hand squeezing your throat. Shoupe glanced back at you again.

"About time," your mother said with a strained laugh. "But I don't know what that has to do with us leaving."

Shoupe turned all of his attention back to you. Meeting his gaze, you felt your heart start to speed up again.

"We know what he's been doing to you, Elma," Shoupe said. "You hid it for a good long while, didn't you?"

Large teardrops formed in your eyes.

"Shoupe, please don't talk to me like a child," you said, your voice trembling.

"Sorry. Well, we have him in custody and we want to try him here, in Kildare." Shoupe took a deep breath in. "Elma and Kid are our best witnesses. They're all the evidence we'll need to get him locked up for a good long time. No jury will see that mark on your arm and not believe it."

You glanced down at your bandage, feeling your cheeks heat up.

"What does that mean for us?" Your mom asked. Her tone, which was usually so confident, was shaky, unsure.

"That means that there's no way in hell either of these kids are leaving the island any time soon."

You could have sworn that you saw a hint of a smile on Shoupe face as he looked at you and Kid. Breathing heavily, you felt your own smile pulling at your lips, but you could barely believe it. You looked at your mom, whose knuckles had gone white from how hard she was gripping the steering wheel.

"So, we're not leaving?" Kid asked, grinning.

"No, Kid, you're not leaving."

For the second time that day, you popped the car door open and stumbled out. You could barely see JJ's form walking away from you, but it didn't matter how far away he was. You weren't going to stop until you reached him.

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