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TW: There are no graphic depictions of self harm in this chapter. Your health is my top priority, so if this might be harmful to you, please be cautious!

Listening to John B sob was heart-wrenching. His father's words echoed in your own head as John B clung to the wall, the only thing that was keeping him from falling to his knees. Kie curled herself around him in an attempt to hold him together. Part of you wanted to hug him too, if it would stop the sound of him crying. It broke your heart and you weren't sure why.
After what seemed like a lifetime, John B managed to stifle his tears and stand up straight. Kie stepped back and away, closer to you. John B turned to look at you guys and you saw the tears that still ran down his face, eyes rimmed red.

"Why...Why don't we go get some fresh air?" You suggested when no one said anything. There were a few half-hearted nods from the others. Kie was the first to move. She plucked her ukelele off the floor before walking out the front door. Pope and JJ followed after her.

You waited, watching as John B put his hand back on the wall to keep him steady. His eyes were glued to the tape recorder on the table. You took a shaking step toward him and placed your hand on his forearm. He flicked his eyes over to look at you. With a small nod, you gave his arm a short squeeze.

The fresh air was good. The Chateau had begun to feel stuffy, unwelcoming, like a dark cloud loomed over the building. So, when you left, the night air was comforting. The darkness of the night was starting to fade as the moon started to dip toward the horizon. You would need to get home soon, at least for a few hours. But for now, your friend needed all the support he could get and you weren't about to leave him.

The five of you sat on the dock, everyone except for Pope perched on the railing. You sat beside JJ, one of his hands resting on your knee. The night was silent, save for the sound of the water lapping against the dock and Kie strumming her ukelele.

"How much was it again?" JJ asked, breaking the silence. A single light shone above John B's head, illuminating the tears on his cheeks and the grimace in his lips.

"Four hundred mil," Pope said, tapping his foot. JJ sighed, sliding his hand off of your leg and turning to face the others. You suddenly felt cold at the loss of his touch.

"Let's talk split," he said. You closed your eyes so he wouldn't see you roll them. "Now, before we say evenly, may I remind you that I am the one that can properly defend us from those groupers who were after us."

JJ pulled the gun from his pocket and you glared at him, sliding off the railing to sit next to Pope. You hated that thing in his hand. You hated it because you wanted it so badly.

"Protection isn't cheap," JJ continued as John B took a long drink from his beer can.

"You have no training," Pope said. You wished he wouldn't feed into JJ's antics. You pulled your legs up to your chest, settling your chin between your knees.

"YouTube, bro! That's at least a five percent bump right there."

"You haven't-"

"Any objections?" You lifted your head, hand following. "Didn't think so."

You rolled your eyes and put your head back down. Kie raised her hand with a small shake of her head and Pope scoffed.

"I didn't hear any, so-" JJ said, shrugging his shoulders.

"What would you do with the money, Pope?" Kie asked with a small smile, trying to turn the conversation away from JJ.

"Pay for college in advance," Pope said as if he could see it happening right in front of his eyes. "And also textbooks. Those are expensive. Elm?"

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