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Eleanor's p.o.v

There is only one word in the English language that I feel would sufficiently describe what this last week had been. Torture. Dylan had been the easiest to handle since he knew I was very independent. He woke me up every couple of hours like the doctor had said, and during the day he asked if I needed help or anything expecting me to say no, so that when I did he didn't argue. But Dylan left after two days meaning I had overprotective one and two for the rest of the week.

Overprotective one, aka Seb, stayed with me most of the time. When he was around I was only allowed to get things if he walked with me. He literally walked with me everywhere, but I drew the line when he tried to come into the bathroom with me. Chris was by far the worst though. Not only did he refuse to let me get off of the couch for anything he could do for me, everything was painfully awkward between us. At one point, he'd slipped up and put his arm around me while we were watching a movie. It was a simple meaningless gesture, but I swear Minka has a sixth sense for this shit because as soon as we got comfortable she called and everything got awkward again.

All's well that ends well, I suppose, and I was happy to say that I was not only officially off house arrest, but I was also getting ready to go film my end credit scene in Winter Soldier. Seb and Chris had both tried to convince me to wait a little longer, I refused though since I'd been feeling perfectly fine for the past few days. Just to help ease their fears I even went to the doctor to see if he had any reason to object, and he'd given me a clean bill of health as well. Seb had tried to convince me to let him stay over last night, but after a week of never being alone I needed a day. That didn't stop him from calling multiple times though.

Chris had been able to convince me to at least let him drive me to the studio this morning since I didn't have a car anyway, and he was cheaper than an Uber. He told me he'd be here around 9 and it was 9:15, so on top of my anxiety for my first time filming, I was having a small panic attack because I thought he was going to make me late. The minutes continued ticking by, and I was beginning to think he'd forgotten when he burst through my door out of breath.

"I'm so sorry, some stuff went down this morning, and your damn elevator is broken again, and then traffic was a downright bitch..."

"It doesn't matter right now Chris, we need to go!" We hurried down to his car, and sped away from my apartment building. I was feeling very self conscious since they told me not to fix my hair or put makeup on, so I was actively trying to avoid Chris' gaze.

"You look beautiful this morning. Did you sleep good last night or something?" He must've noticed my shock, because he blushed slightly and turned back towards the road.

"Um, not really. I was really nervous for today so I tossed and turned a lot. How about you? You said something happened this morning?"

"I understand what you mean about the nerves, I rarely ever sleep before an audition or the first day of filming. What happened this morning doesn't matter, you need to focus on yourself, today's a big day for you." I nodded in agreement, all the anxiety from earlier instantly coming back to form a pit in my stomach. Chris reached over the console to take my hand in his, glancing away from the road to look at me. "Hey, you're going to do great doll. I've seen you in action and you're amazing so don't let your fears get to you. None of them are true."

I didn't respond to him, just squeezed his hand in thanks. The rest of the ride was silent, but Chris' hand was a comforting weight in mine. The scene was simple enough, it mainly consisted of me receiving orders to go on a mission that would lead me to meet Cap, so I didn't have very many lines to remember. What I was really worried about was getting the body language right. The Russo brothers made sure to put in the notes that they wanted me to own the room, they wanted me to put off an air of confidence and strength without saying a word. I hadn't been able to practice much with the guys because they didn't want me moving around, but I convinced Seb to let me do it just once to see what he thought and he'd said I did great. I guess we'll see if he was telling the truth or not.

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