Chapter 24

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Leo ducked a second time as Harvey swung his fists at him. And what was I doing? Standing helplessly to the side and watching.

Everything happened in a blur. One minute I was lost in my own world kissing Leo, the next Harvey was storming towards us both, fists flying around.

Leo however, wasn't fighting back like I know he usually would have in this situation.

Because it was my brother however, Leo was holding back and not attempting to hurt Harvey.

I understood why Harvey was mad. And to be honest, I don't blame him.

Deciding I'd done nothing for long enough, my senses finally kicked in and I grabbed Harvey's arm and pulled him towards me.

"Stop Harv!" Shouting made my voice hurt but it gained my brothers attention.

His ripped his arm out of my grip and faced me with a mad expression "What the fuck is going on here?!"

He glared between Leo and I "Well? You tell me to stay away from him and I do. Now you're making out with him?"

It made me feel horrible inside. And so I should, he was right and now I can't change my actions.

I could tell just from the way that Harvey was looking at me that he saw me differently now.

I'd fucked everything up.

I held my face in my palms, my eyes threatening to spill tears from the overwhelming emotions.

"Don't just blame her." Leo finally spoke and I just wanted to tell him to shut up. I didn't know how Harvey would react to Leo trying to step in for me.

Harvey didn't say anything, just grabbed my bag from off the floor and held out his hand to me.

"We're leaving." It wasn't up for debate, I knew that if I didn't take his hand it would only make matters worse.

I gave Leo one last look, noting the hurt on his features as I put my hand in Harvey's. I wanted to apologise, hoping my face could portray an apology to him that he would understand.

Slowly but surely, I hobbled to the main entrance of the building, Harvey pulling me along with him to his car.

The car door slamming behind me made me jump at the impact. I'd never seen Harv this mad before.

The car ride back home was silent. Usually Harvey would put the radio on or ask me how my day was but all he did was stare out at the road ahead. His grip on the steering wheel was deadly tight which only made me wonder how badly he wanted to hurt Leo back there.

In less than 5 minutes, we were back home and Harvey didn't wait for me this time. He abruptly left the car and went straight to the front door without another word.

I took my time, knowing that this was going to get ugly very soon. Harvey didn't mad easily, but when he did get angry, it wasn't a pretty sight.

As soon as I walked through the front door and closed it, I instantly ducked down, only just registering the remote control being thrown at my head.

"What the fuck Harvey!?" I screamed, my heart racing from his aggression.

"What is going on between you and Leo?" He completely ignored how scared I was. His face was completely red with rage, the veins on his neck popping out more than they usually did.

"Nothing. Nothing i-"

"Don't lie to me Eliana!" This time it was him that was screaming. I couldn't lie my way out of this.

"We've been dance partners for the past month. We didn't get chosen for the performance at first and that's when I said we were done with him," Those tears I were trying to hold back started to spill "But we got chosen in the end. We grew closer in that time, though I resented him for what he did to you."

The bubbling rage that I could feel radiating off of Harvey died down just a fraction for me to carry on.

"He shared things with me that he's never told anyone and... He understands who I am. The way I am when it comes to dance." I swiped away at the tears on my cheeks and took a deep breath "No ones ever understood what it means to me. But he does."

Harvey stood still for what seemed like hours. Just staring at a random spot in the room, the cogs in his brain turning.

"You dance with him. Do the competition and then that's it." Was the conclusion Harvey came up with.

I didn't want to hurt him again. I didn't want to hurt Leo either.

Harvey was allowing me to still dance with Leo, but after that I couldn't be with him.

It stung more than I wanted it too. But, my brother was my twin. Despite our rows and arguments, I couldn't disappoint and hurt him again.

"Ok. After the dancing, it's finished."

Saying those words only made the pain inside me even worse.

Harvey nodded his head and stormed straight to his room, the door slamming behind him.

I flinched at the loud noise he made and let myself collapse onto the sofa that was luckily placed right next to me otherwise it would've been an uncomfortable landing.

Today had completely wiped me out. From the pain in my leg to kissing Leo and hurting my brother... What more can a girl take in a day?

Eventually, I pulled myself out of my pit of misery and made my way to my room. As I passed the kitchen I faltered, knowing I should get something to eat but I knew I wouldn't be able to stomach it.

I ended up in my bed, staring up at the ceiling with Loki sprawled out next to my body, his soft purrs a small comfort in the deafening silence of my room.

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