Chapter 9

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Before I even had the chance to register what just happened, the door burst open and the flash of a camera hit my eyes.

Pushing Hunter off me, I realised that I had been chosen victim of a prank.

The drunk faces of my brother and his friends filled my room, their laughter making my blood boil even more.

"There you go Eli, a chance to relax and have some fun!" Harvey laughed cheersing his cup with the guy next to him and downing the contents.

I didn't even register my movements as I stood up, walked up to Harvey, punched him in the face and left the house.

I pushed past the drunk teenagers that littered the hallways of my home and went straight to the front door.

The heavy rain hit my bare skin on my arms as I stormed down the road. I had never physically hurt Harvey but I was holding back from going back and throwing a few more punches.

How dare he? One, for getting me involved in his stupid games and pranks. Two, for embarrassing me in front of everyone and three, for hurting me in such a personal way.

He always said that one of his rules was for none of his friends to be 'involved' with me.

I hated all of them.

The urge to call our parents and tell him what he was like was way too strong. The reason I wouldn't was because I'd left my phone in my room.

I didn't even know where I was going and I didn't care. I wasn't going to show my face in that house again.

Ripping out my hairband, I chucked the broken piece of elastic on the path and let my already drenched hair fall over my bare shoulders.

I probably should have thought this through better as I was currently only wearing a tank top and my batman shorts so feeling cold was an understatement.

The rain was literally seeping into my bones as my bare feet hit the pavement. I didn't even care if I cut them, I was too upset and angry to even deal with it.

My tears that I tried to hold back blended in with the rain on my cheeks as they spilled out. I didn't think my brother could hurt me in such a way.

He had been acting so differently recently and it was bugging the hell out of me. Ever since Leo came to the school and all this drama with Ivy and Hunter, he's just been a different person.

"Eliana! Wait!"

The shout from behind me made me jump but I kept walking.

Leo appeared by my side a moment later, his long hair framed his face as water dripped off the ends.

"What? Another prank?" I shot daggers his way "Fuck off Leo. I'm really not in the mood."

He was taken aback by my words, his eyes widening as its probably the first time he's properly seen me angry and swear so harshly.

"I had no idea what they were planning. I was out the back smoking when I heard the laughter." He explained but I carried on walking, not wanting to replay the memory in my head.

"I don't care. Leave me alone." I snapped angrily, crossing my arms in front of my chest and picking up my pace.

We were far from my house by now, and I actually didn't recognise the road I was on.

"You'll get hypothermia if you don't get dry. Come back to mine. Please." He pleaded, making sure he stayed by my side.

"No." I said bluntly.

"Have it your way then."

For a moment I thought he was going to stop walking and leave me alone but imagine my surprise when he grabbed my waist and hauled me over his shoulder.

"What the fuck, Leo!" I shouted, wriggling in his grip and hitting his back.

I heard him wince when I hit a certain spot and I then remembered the bruise on his back from his fight with Hunter so I softened my punches.

"Let me go." I whined, frustrated that he was strong enough to just grab me and take me away.

If I were ever actually kidnapped I wouldn't stand a chance.

"Nope. You're staying at mine and I don't care what you say." He said nonchalantly to which I growled in frustration to.

I didn't want to be around Leo right now. Not after the past couple of days and especially not right now since I was pissed as hell.

Eventually, I gave up trying to get free as it was no use and let Leo carry me to his place. We ended up walking for about another ten minutes until we made it to the nice part of the neighborhood.

You know, the bigger houses, most with gates around the front so you had to be buzzed in to gain entry.

I thought we were going to carry on walking but I was shocked when Leo set me down on my feet and pulled me towards a beautiful cream coloured house on the corner of the street.

It hard two cars parked in the driveway. The front of the house had coloured flowers decorating every nook and cranny which caused a burst of brightness. Even in the dark of the night, I could see every single one of them.

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