Jell- O Trouble

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"GET HER OUT OF HERE!" Namjoon yelled angrily. 

"I'm sorrry I'm sorry" jungkook apologised. Unfortunately jimin and taehyung has left the house after you had got drunk. 

"Why is she drunk!?" He asked as he looked down to see you make "snow angels" with his paper work, "This took me forever to complete." Namjoon spoke as he looked at the papers, "And it took her around two seconds just to ruin it all." He continued to stare at all his papers again. But not wanting to face any consequences, Jungkook quickly grabbed you and took you out. He placed you on the kitchen counter and came in between your legs. 

"Y/n, stop..." He sighed and went to find something to make you calm down. But it was a bad idea leaving you alone. A loud sound of something breaking was heard. Jungkook quickly ran into the kitchen and saw glass on the floor and you on the counter holding your finger that was bleeding. "Oh my- I left you for like literally ten seconds! Can't you stay out of trouble for once!? Look what you did!"Jungkook yelled. You didn't say anything and just started crying. "Oh god. I didn't mean to make you cry." You got off the table and once again ran to Namjoon's work room. You entered and made eye contact with him. 

"Why are you crying? Why is your finger bleeding?" You didn't answer and just continued crying. You then walked up to him and hugged him. He put his papers away and hugged you back. Jungkook came bursting through the door. 

"Uh, I'll take her back now.." Jungkook spoke. 

"It's okay jungkook let her be, clean up your mess. I saw what happened and just so you know, Jin is going to kill you." Namjoon spoke back. With that jungkook left and you stayed.

* * *

It's had been two hours and you were sound asleep in jungkook's room. Namjoon had placed u there when he realized you were getting tired and no longer could be up. You slept and slept till the next day. 

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