Let it out

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You stepped outside the van sighing. The boys were peacefully asleep. You looked into the sky sighing once more as a smoke of cloud made it's way out. It was a bit cold, but it felt nice. You stared at the moon, looking at it's beauty. The millions of stars always make their way to match the moon no matter where they move. You tilted your head, as a small smile formed on your lips. 

"Beautiful, isn't it?" The ring spoke in a gentle calm voice. 

"Yeah, it is." You replied. 

The ring pulled up a hologram of the moon and zoomed in, "It's so empty. Calm. Quiet. Peaceful." 

"I suppose you're right, it's not easy to find such thing these days. Robbery, hate, wars, cruelty. It's within everyone these days. It's impossible to find love. It's...rare." You spoke to the ring. 

"Seems like you want to get a lot out, I'm here. Let it out." The ring replied in a ever so clam voice. 

"Well, I don't even know where to begin. It's- I just wonder why people choose to hate, and tear the world apart despite knowing that they can be stronger as one. These people who have families are leaving them for their own needs. It's not too hard to just give some time to others and understand their problems. I don't know why they want to hate. A world that was created, people who have lived...did all this happen for us just to die in the next hundred years? They claimed the world would end in 5.6 billions years. But...to me, it seems it may end as early as the next century. Why do these people continue to hate despite knowing that we're all headed towards the same ending. If I knew the world would've ended up like this, I would've stopped birth when human life first started. I hope they realize that there will be a time where everything is gone and time is well- meaningless. Technology is advancing but people...no. Their personalities will never change. People would never let go of their egos. We've become such, creatures...it's hard to explain what we're even living for anymore. Unlike us, even the wild animals look after each other, 'wild.' If we left, at least these innocent animal souls would get to rest in peace, without worrying about going extinct... People say humanity, but what is humanity? Is humanity hate? Perhaps discrimination? Maybe slurs? Messed up isn't it...I mean, I know not all are bad, some are actually quite generous- caring. But comparing good to evil- the evil wins. I'm ashamed to be calling myself a human, living on this planet. Why must it be so painful?...I'm not surprised. I'm lost. I'm...I'm-" 

"Mixed emotions." The ring simply states. 

"I-" You tried to talk but the ring cut you off. 

"I know how you feel. I may be a artificial ring, a random technology, but I understand you. You are afraid. You are scared to lose the boys, are you not?"

Tears build up in your eyes realizing how much they mean to you. "I hate being a burden. I have only caused pain to these boys since I have showed up. I've already lost my parents, I cannot afford to lose them as well." At this point waterfall of tears streamed down your face. 

"You have not been a burden. In fact, you saved them. Believe it or not. The moment you saw them murdering the man, your first encounter- they were going to split apart after receiving money from the man. But after you showed up, they built trust within each other, started loving each other once more. You bought them together." The ring spoke up pulling up an image of the boys happy laughing and looking at each other.  

You looked at the image, studying all the faces of the boys. They all seemed so happy, but right now, they all looked exhausted. Tired. 

"Yes that may be true but, what have they gained? It's not like they've profited since I've shown up." You replied sitting down. 

"It's not about money. You remember, when you were younger, your mother and father always used to tell you to follow the right path, even if the wrong path may seem easier? Remember how they told you, there is no love in violence?" The ring spoke. 

"I- I don't know. I'm just- so lost! I don't remember anyhting!" You leaned your head back out of frustration. 

The ring pulled up a few more pictures. It played a video of your parents laughing and playing around with you. It then switched views from the camera outside your home. It showed a video of a younger you giving out something a little girl. Your parents seemed...contented. 

"Remember y/n, always follow the right path no matter how easy the wrong may seem." Your father spoke. 

"There is no love in violence." Your mother spoke right after. 

"This is real? It happened? How come nothing is coming to me?" You asked the ring a several questions. 

"Yes, it's real. Yes, it's happened. You perhaps don't remember walking into a white room. When younger, your parents had erased your memories for safety reasons. They didn't want to endanger your life." The ring replied. 

 "I see..." 

"Anything else I can help with?"

"No just going to scroll through, try to find out new things." 


With that you began scrolling through all the different kinds of setting within the ring. But after sometime you eventually got bored. 

"Hey...mind giving some advice?"

"Sure" The ring spoke and pulling up a little smiley picture, "Alright so we both know that I'm like, a hundred times smarter than everything, and everyone. Ask away!" 

"You know, you didn't have to put it that way. But anyways, so let's say a girl is friends with-" You tried to speak but the ring already cut you off. 

"Just get straight to the point. This is about you and the boys, is it not?"


"Of course, I knew it. So to begin with, it depends. I mean if you're sexually active with the boy then you should-"

"Silent mode." You spoke quickly cutting off the ring. 

"Aww man~" The ring pulled up a sad face before turning off. 

Letting out a chuckle you stood up looking around, still nothing. With that you made your way back in the van hoping to keep an eye out for the boys just in case. 

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