chapter 21

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She lies in the corner. Her eyes half open , she tries to look past the light but everything is hazy . She feels the light within herself fade . The little spark within her disappears into mist. She wants to scream but there's a hand down her throat. Someone is pushing her . No! Someone is hitting her or maybe slamming something into her. She is not sure. She feels light , full of air. I can fly now she thinks but when she tries , something snaps within her and suddenly she senses nothing. She feels void , empty . She wants it back ! She wants it back ! But she can't remember what she wants. The power to fight , the power to speak , the power to feel is snatched away from her. He took it , just as He promised . But she forgets who He is.

What did I do to deserve this ? She thinks and a voice tells her that she did nothing, it's not her fault but it's so hard to believe. She is being punished so she must have done something wrong. Posie's face flashes in her mind and she starts crying. It's my fault ,she thinks . I shouldn't have left her alone with Susan. I should have kept an eye on her . She doesn't deserve to live . Her daughter is dead because of her so she too must die. It's only fair then. If he doesn't kill her , she will take that step herself. Then, she will be with her children. Her two precious babies . Her everything.

Her consciousness tried to tell her , that's it's not her fault , that she shouldn't give up yet. If she tries harder she will be free. She can live her further life happily. She only had to try. But she ignored the voices. She had constantly tried , she had done everything she could to get out of here , to save her children and to save herself but he was always there to destroy everything. No matter what she did it was never enough, she was never enough .

Throughout her life she was mistreated,her parents were taken away from her when she was young, she had to take care of herself . She had to endure the abuse of her relatives , endure all the cruel words they said to her. Even then , they blamed her for her parents death. No matter what , she is the only one suffering. Never had she thought anything ill or wished anything ill upon someone. She always tried to help people and this is what she was getting in return. When she married William , instead of having a huge wedding , they opted for a small one and donated the money to orphanages instead. She used to go to the orphanage and stay with the children , bring them Christmas gifts . She even had problems in conceiving a child and the burden of that was crushing her. Even then , she was blamed by Williams relatives . His siblings always respected her, they used to talk to her so nicely and now they didn't even bother checking up on her.

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