chapter 15

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I am disgusted with myself. I want to be happy , I want to celebrate. I am going to  have a child again and I should be ecstatic but I'm not. I don't feel happy. In fact , if I could I would try not to get pregnant. I don't want to have this child, not with William like this. He is a monster. When I told William about my pregnancy I thought he will forgive me , I thought he will take care of me. As soon as he said about kicking me out and taking the baby with him , my world crashed. There was no way I would let him have my baby.

I will do everything , even if it kills me , I will die saving my child from him. It makes me feel terrible that I didn't want my child , that I didn't want him to live in this terrible world. Never in my life I would have imagined that the person who loved and adored me the most would end up hurting me so much. All I wanted was his love . It hurts me and it disgusts me that even after so much pain , I still care for him. I would never let anything happen to him no matter how much he hurt me.

I lie down on the thin blanket . My back hurts and it feels like someone is stabbing me. It sends chills through my body when I think about how he did all those terrible things to me . I had a baby in my stomach and he sent shocks through my body , he hung me on a hook , he pushed on pieces of glasses and even after all of this , my baby survived. It is strong and I need to be stronger for it.

2 months later

My stomach is so big , I keep touching it , sometimes I feel his kicks and It's the best feeling in the world. William leaves me alone now . The maid makes whatever I like for dinner . William even asked me to get the baby's room ready. I go everyday in the baby's room and sit for a while. It makes me feel calm.

Today David is coming for dinner and William has asked me to behave like everything's fine and if I make a scene then there will be consequences. I'm not going to let go of this chance. Once I'm alone with David , i will ask for his help and I very well know he'll help me .

It's 8:30 when David finally arrives. His eyes widen when he sees my stomach.

" Holy fuck ! You are pregnant! When were you guys planning to tell me !"

" Uh surprise!" I say

" Wow ! Congratulations " he says and hugs me. I feel a bit uncomfortable when he puts his hand on my stomach and he gasps as he feels the baby kick.

" What the fuck " he screams

" The baby is kicking ! Calm down "

" Oh my gosh ! Do you always feel that?"

I nod and he laughs . William watches us angrily . I can tell he is mad that David got to feel the kick but he didn't. I couldn't care less.

The dinner went smoothly. Suddenly William gets up and goes upstairs. Taking the chance , I quickly tell David that I have to tell him something important, that I need his help .

I take him in the guest room and when I'm about to tell him , he kisses me. I freeze .

Suddenly he is pushed and William punches him. He throws a punch one after another and I gasp as he breaks David's nose.

" William stop!" I scream and try to pull him but he pushes me.

" Get the fuck out of my house David!" He says

" Do you even know who I am ? I'm your fucking boss and you're fired . Good luck finding another job " David says and leaves.

William glances at me and then leaves as well.

It's almost midnight when I hear my door open. I sit up and try to see who it is . I can make out a figure and recognise William. He never comes down here.

When William spots me , I shiver in fear. I can't tell what he is thinking and I'm so scared that I want to run. I gag when he comes near , he stinks of beer and I feel even more scared.

" Why did you kiss him ?" He asks

" I didn't ! He..he kissed me " I say

He comes near me and says " I lost my fucking job because you whore couldn't keep your legs shut . I was gone for a minute and you want to fuck him , you desperate bitch "

" I didn't want to kiss him , I swear "

" Why didn't you push him then? Huh? You want to whore around ? Fine " he says and grabs my arms and drags me towards his room.

" Let me go !"

He doesn't

He pushes me on the bed and starts removing his clothes .

" William ! I'm sorry . Please don't . I'm sorry. I really didn't kiss him. I just froze. Please believe me "

I try to run but he grabs me and pins me to the bed.

I can never forget it . I can never get it out of my head. I begged him to stop , I was screaming , crying but he didn't stop. I felt as if I was drowning. I've never felt so disgusted . I couldn't take it . My mind shut down and I fell unconscious.

Cry of menaceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin