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The truth runs wild like a tear down a cheek

"Clary!", Luke shouted when he stepped towards the girl, Priscilla and Alec next to him

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"Clary!", Luke shouted when he stepped towards the girl, Priscilla and Alec next to him. The red haired girl hold her seraph blade in front of her body, her eyes full of panic. "Get back! How do I know you're Luke?", she yelled. "I got you spray paint for your birthday", the man replied, his hands in the air to calm the girl down. "What happened?", Priscilla asked confused, while the Fray still kept the blade in front of her. "Demons. Long story. Where did you come from?", the read haired replied, slowly sinking the weapon in her hand. "Jail. Ran into Priscilla and Alec. Then Priscilla nearly killed me but here we are", the werewolf explained, earning a smirk from the Gordan. "Shouldn't we go or something? More demons will come right?", Clary asked, breathing heavily. After a little chit chat, the supernatural creatures decided to leave.

"Jace!" Clary ran to the blonde boy, happiness on her face as she entered the institute, followed by Alec and Priscilla. She hugged him tightly, before she told him that she got the cup. "What's that look for?", the tanned girl asked the tall boy next to her, as the Lightwood watched the reunion. Isabelle showed up next to her brother and the Gordan and joined them watching Clary and Jace. "There's nothing special about my look", the male Lightwood replied. Before Priscilla was able to answer, Clary kissed Jace. "Oh my god", the Gordan muttered surprised, watching the kissing shadowhunters. When she turned around, Alec was not there anymore, just like Isabelle.

"There's nothing a shadowhunter can't do in heels", Isabelle interrupted Jace and Clary's conversation as she used her bracelet to get the cup

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"There's nothing a shadowhunter can't do in heels", Isabelle interrupted Jace and Clary's conversation as she used her bracelet to get the cup. Priscilla smiled impressed. "Have to agree with that." The female Lightwood handed the cup back to Clary while Priscilla walked to Jace and Alec, who looked at a monitor. "No downworlder can come into the institute", the blonde said, just as Clary put the cup back into the tarot card. "Not without an invite by a shadowhunter", Isabelle corrected. "Last I checked Valentine is a shadowhunter. The cup is not save here, we have to give it back to the clave", Alec replied with his typical serious voice.

"Give it back to the clave? No!", Clary made clear but Isabelle had the same opinion as her brother. "My brother is right, the cup is extremely important." "You agree with me?", her sibling asked surprised. "I'm full of surprises." Clary glared at the Lightwoods. "This cup is the one chance I have of getting my mom back." "I agree with Clary, we can't give the cup to the clave, not now. We need it, it's our only bargaining ship", Jace spoke up, crossing his arms. It leaded Priscilla to let out a laugher. "What?", the blonde asked, raising an eyebrow. "You're opinion is strongly influenced, you'd agree with everything Clary would say." "You think so? Tell me, what do you think we should do with the cup?", the Wayland asked smirking. "Split into it then give it to the clave."

"Look, I know how powerful this cup is. It has the power to create new shadowhunters, control demons and even kill mundanes if they drink from it. But I promise you, I'll not let this monster lay his hands on it", Clary told the shadowhunters around her with a dramatic voice. "There you go, you have her word." "Follow me", Alec said, walking out of the room, the Fray behind him.

Priscilla sighed, walking into the kitchen to grab some orange juice before she walked back to the others. Suddenly a loud beeping sound came from one of the screens, across from Jace. He shared a look with the Gordan just as Alec came back. "What the...", he started but stopped when an alarm went off, as the red ring on the screen closed in to the institute, causing Jace to bolt up from his seat and stand beside his Parabatai, Isabelle joined them some after.

"There's something outside the perimeter", the Wayland confirmed. The female Lightwood stepped towards the monitor, watching the movements of the red ring while Alec started speaking, "told you so." "Too soon",the blonde replied. Clary turned to the group, her eyes growing wide. "What's happening ?" "Looks like someone's trying to break in", Isabelle answered sighing. "Could be the circle", Jace assumed as the five shadowhunters began walking towards the doors. Priscilla took out her seraph blade, just like the others, except Alec who had his bow.
When they walked out of the institute, fog was flowing in waves on the ground. As they walked further, they spotted someone with their back towards them. "Don't move. Drop what you're holding, put your hands up", Alec asserted as he stopped next to Priscilla, his bow raised.

"Raphael?", the Gordan asked surprised, in the same moment as Clary shouted, seeing the pale vampire carrying Simon. "Oh my god, Simon!"

"People will be wondering what we found outside the perimeter", Jace said, looking at the Lightwoods and Priscilla as they came down the stairs into the bunker-like room

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"People will be wondering what we found outside the perimeter", Jace said, looking at the Lightwoods and Priscilla as they came down the stairs into the bunker-like room. Simon laid on a wooden table in the centre of the room, a book placed under his head. Clary stood by his side and Raphael next to one of the statues. "I'll go. I'll tell them we didn't find anything. Nobody will come down here." Alec turned and went upstairs, while Priscilla followed Isabelle further into the room, stopping next to Simon's lifeless body. "I might be a vampire but I was raised a good catholic", Raphael began, raising his finger in prayer.

"The vampires breached the accords. Killing Simon is grounds for a war", Isabelle told him, anger in her voice. "The vampires were not behind this. Just Camille, she attacked Simon on her own", the pale man retorted, his dark eyes on the Gordan. "How do we know you're telling the truth?", she asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. "Cause I am. I could have gotten rid of him but instead I brought him here. I don't want trouble with the shadowhunters." "Smart decision", Isabelle snapped.  "I warned the mundane to stay away", Raphael continued, "but Camille gave him a taste of her own blood, and like an addict he came back, wanting more."

Clary's eyes, that were filled with tears, turned on the vampire and narrowed accusingly. "The only reason Simon ever tasted Camille's blood is because of you! You kidnapped him, you dragged him to hotel DuMort, you delivered him to Camille!", the girl shouted. "I never meant for this to happen", the vampire replied. The Fray started crying over her lost best friend, shouting at him to wake up. "There is a way", Raphael said, looking away from the lifeless body on the table. "A way what?", Jace asked. "A way to bring Simon back." "Oh no", Priscilla interrupted, waking towards the vampire. "I watched enough movies to get this shit. Simon's dead and we won't change that because vampirism is no way. It's a punishment."

"Your friend can be resurrected", the vampire told Clary. "So I could have Simon back? Alive and breathing?" "That's just it, he won't return alive or breathing, just as Priscilla said. He'll be a vampire", Isabelle interrupted. "You have until sunset to decide", Raphael told them when he stood up. "The clock is ticking."

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