Chapter 13

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I leaped towards Mikael and landed on his back. I sunk my teeth into his shoulder. He gave a grunt before dropping Bonnie and grabbing me by the shirt. I saw Elijah dart forward and grabbed Bonnie, then he was gone.

Mikael gave a roar as he flung me forward. I landed with a hard thud on the ground. I jumped up and snarled at him.

"Insufferable witch!" Mikael yelled at me at he reach his hand toward the bite mark I left him. When he pulled his hand away it was drenched in blood.

"I'm going to kill you now" I told him casually as I felt the ancestor's power crept into me.

"Stake" the words floated across my mind as I heard Mikael gave a roar of laughter.

"Kill me!? I'm Mikael, the Destroyer, little girl." He snarled at me. I saw Klaus take a step closer to me out of the corner of my eye.

"Of course the degenerate stands with you!" Mikael bellows out. I felt Klaus brush my hand, I look down to see the white-oak stake in his hand, dangling between his fingers.

"Who knew my daughter would be a disappointment too? Some half-breed vermin like him....the bastard son!" Mikael was raging on and on.

"Enough, all this talk is boring me," Klaus told him, giving me the stake and stepping forward so Mikael can't see me holding it.

"I'm boring you? How about I just kill you and Erikah then!" Mikael growled coming closer.

"I'm not staying for this," I told Klaus as I darted away. I had to make Mikael think I abandon Klaus. I circled around and rushed towards Mikael as he lunged for Klaus.

"Good thing I didn't learn anything from you," I whispered in Mikael's ear before jabbing the stake in his heart. Mikael gave a moan of pain as he dropped to his knees. His skin started to turn grey and his veins became more pronounced. I let go of the stake as it caught on fire and Mikael fell forward.

"Hope?.."Klaus questioned as he took a step closer to me. Concerned and worry filled his voice. My eyes widen in shock as I realized Klaus can actually care about someone.

"Safe. Now let's go," I told him rushing towards the others. Esther and Dahlia are still alive, I still need to protect them.

I couldn't hear anything and I knew Esther or Dahlia had used a spell so we couldn't hear them. I stop in my tracks and gave a sniff.

"What are we waiting for?" Klaus murmured as he came to a stop besides. I inhaled a faint menthol smell that I knew was sage.

"That!" I told him as I rushed back towards the cemetery, when I arrive I say Hayley was laying on the ground unconscious. I saw Esther and Dahlia holding hands and chanting. They were looking for Hope. Klaus rushed over to Hayley but I could tell she wasn't breathing.

"Esther! Dahlia!" I screamed at them. Esther head snapped towards me.

"Erikah, let us have Hope and this will all be over" Esther told me.

"She's in the tomb, Esther" Dahlia spoke the words low to my mother, hoping I would not hear her.

"NO! You can't have her!" Klaus yelled as them. He lunged at them but Dahlia snapped her hand up and Klaus dropped in pain.

"Niklaus" I said as I took a step closer getting ready to lunge but Elijah came running by me in order to help him. I felt the pain pierced my head before I saw Elijah drop in pain.

"Stopiwch eu poen, os gwelwch yn dda. Chwiorydd, dyma fi." I started chanting, as I pulled the power from Dahlia magic away. Klaus and Elijah slowly stood up as the pain lessen from them.

"Take their power" the words floated to me as I kept pulling from Dahlia. I knew what I had to dots stop both her and Esther. I had to strip them of their powers.

"Stop it, child. You don't know what you are doing." Esther told me. I felt Bonnie as she walked up next to me. The power radiated off of her as she started to chant. I heard Damon run up, as well.

"Bonnie, stop!" I told her as I looked over to her. I smelt the blood before I saw it; her nose was bleeding. She was using too much power and she wasn't going to make it.

I twisted my hand and shoved Bonnie back. I heard he land on the ground with a soft thud, I knew Damon had caught her and laid her down gently.

"Erikah, what are you doing?" Damon came up behind me.

"Get Hayley, Hope and Bonnie out of here. I will stop them" I told the boys as I started pulling from Esther's power as well.

I heard the rush as they disappeared. It was just me, Esther and Dahlia.

"Child, you can still stop this" Dahlia murmured to me as she came closer. I could feel my legs start to shake and my vision started to darken.

"This is killing you, my child" Esther voice came to me. She sounded far away; so I pulled harder and I heard them gasp as there magic started to vanished.

"STOP! NOT MY MAGIC!" I heard Dahlia screeched.

"Erikah, please! MY CHILD!" Esther screamed.

"Erikah...." Damon's voice came from behind me. I gave a moan as I looked behind me to see Damon. He came back, why?

"Damon, you..don't...n-ee-e-d to...seee this," I stuttered out to him as I dropped to me knees. I could feel the blood dripping from my nose. I was going to die, and it was worth it. As long as Dahlia and Esther weren't a threat anymore.

"We can find a different way, you don't have to kill yourself," Damon murmured to me as his voice was right next to me. I blinked and my vision went dark.

Keep going, protect them. The words were being chanted in my head. I had to keep going. I had to save them and Hope.

"ERIKAH!" The last word I heard before everything went quiet. I didn't know who said it. It didn't matter, I could feel myself fading. I could feel the pull of the ancestors and there was a faint light that pierced my blacken vision. The light became brighter and brighter until I was envelop with nothing but light and peace.

THE END.....for now.

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