Chapter 6

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"Ah, I believe we met over the phone. I'm Damon Salvatore." The man with the leather jacket stepped forward and held out his hand.

"Irene Lancaster, descendent of Erikah, the Protector." I told him shaking his hand. His eyes widen at the mention of Erikah the Protector.

"Erikah, the Protector. Wasn't that just a children story?" The other male asked poking his head around his brother. I'm guessing this was Stefan Salvatore.

"I wouldn't believe it myself if I hadn't met the lass over 900 years ago." Klaus announced as he walked into the room. "Ah, Caroline, I'm very happy to see you." His voice changed as he laid eyes on the girls. I figured it must be the blonde he is talking to.

"Who is this Erikah the Protector?" the Bennett Witch asked.

"According to Irene, she was the last child born to our mother, Esther. She hid her away from her family with her friend, Ayanna Bennett." Elijah interjected.

"Now Bennett Witch, I see you are wearing a necklace. A necklace that is Shelia's, am I wrong? I can feel her magic radiating off of it." I told her walking closer. Her eyes widen. Damon took a step closer trying to protect her.

"No harm will come to you, Bennett Witch. You have my word as well as Damon." I told her holding out my hand. She looked towards Damon before taking off her necklace and handing it over to me.

"Great, now its time to call the ancestors. We can set up upstairs in the sitting quarters," I told the Bennett witch as I grabbed her hand and basically dragged her up the stairs.

We got to the top and I rounded the corner with the Bennett witch in tow, leading her down the hallway to the sitting room up here. The sitting room itself was small, about the size of a common bedroom, but I had moved the chair and couch against the wall to give me more room.

"Bennett witch, my bag is just on the other side of that chair, will you grab it while I find the best spot to call to our ancestors?" I asked her as I started walking around the area to see where the best place to put a salt circle would be.

"My name is Bonnie." She replied cooly. Oh, I have offended her.

"I'm sorry Bonnie. No harm intended, I promise." I told her as she bought over my bag. She scoffed but handed it over. I quickly unzipped it and pulled out the salt. I drew a salt circle around us and place her ancestor necklace in the middle.

"How is this going to get my powers back? I have already pleaded with my ancestors. I get punished every time I try to talk to them" She said looking like she didn't believe this was going to actually work.

"You just have to know what to say, sit my dear" I told her as I sat in the salt circle. She sat opposite of me and held out her hands. I grabbed them and began to chant.

"hynafiaid, clywed ein pled. hynafiaid, clywed ein pled. hynafiaid, clywed ein pled." Bonnie joined in. I could feel the power manifest between us. The power of the ancestors were only too familiar. I could feel Bonnie's power sitting on the ancestral side. I saw an older lady, who Bonnie resembled a lot, holding it and I just knew it was her grandma. I reached and pulled it from her grandma's hands. I heard the few words that her grandma said before I closed the ancestral side. "Please protect her, Protector."

I took that power that was sitting in my lap, a Bennett's power, and latched it onto Bonnie. She gave a small screeched before closing her eyes and letting the magic flow back into her. I could see the relief on her face as the magic filled her. I heard footsteps. I stood up and looked to see Stefan, Damon, and Caroline standing there with concerned looks on their face.

"She's okay. It is a lot to take in. The power. She just needs a few hours to fully regain her powers back." I told them. The next thing I new I was shoved up against the back wall with Damon in my face.

"You better not be lying, witch. " Damon seethed through his teeth. He face looked distorted as his fangs came. I wave my hand and he dropped to the ground in pain.

"Damon!" Stefan shouted

"It was just to get home to release me, nothing more. I promised both him and Bonnie that no harm would come to her and I always keep my word," I told them as Damon slowly stood up.

I could sense through Elijah mind link that he was alerts because of sudden footsteps outside the compound. I opened up my senses and I could feel her. A Mikaelson witch. I released the hold I had on Damon and ran at a human speed towards the front door. It wasn't Esther, I would have felt her. But this felt familiar, this was something I have felt before.

Elijah was standing in the courtyard along with Niklaus. They were looking towards the entrance. I stepped in front of them and tried to see who was knocking at our door. She looked familiar. She had long blonde hair and she was slender. She reminded me of Esther but I know it wasn't her.

"Who are you?" I shouted towards the girl.

"My name is Freya Mikaelson" The girl replied smiling at us.

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