Chapter 54

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Third person´s POV

Taylor was with Hirato and Mellie in their hotel suite, dragging out the hours, filling their excessive time with mindless games and dull TV. Getting bored out of their minds, they almost seemed to look forward to when the whole gathering of mafia gangs were taking place. It was going to be hosted in the hotel’s garden house a few hundred feet away.

Taylor had anxiously glimpsed towards her dress,  that was hanging on a rack in her room, countless of times during the day. She figured that  once she actually was on the move, it would feel a little better. Before she knew it, Mellie suddenly dashed up from the sofa.

-It’s time to get you ready!

Tom on the other hand had spent the day with his closest men and a few of his loyal followers going through the last details of the evening.

Of all the information they had been able to gather they had come to the conclusion the other mafia bosses had something to say, and they seemed to have little interest in making a scene tonight. It eased Tom’s heart the slightest bit, but he was still on full alert. Anything could happen, and anything could go wrong.

He did not have a chance of slipping with Taylor so close to him in this mayhem, but for some reason, the invitation had encouraged him to bring along a date. That had made him even more suspicious.

While the evening suddenly arriving and the sun beginning to set, Tom looked at the clock and then to his brother and his friends.

-We should go get ready, it’s time.

Taylor looked herself in the mirror one last time. She was really impressed by Mellie who had really done a terrific job at doing her make-up and her hair.

Dark golden-bronze eyes with thick lashes and soft pink lips together with well-defined waves flowing down her chest. The dress, along with perfect shoes and the right accessories made her look untouchable.

A woman with a purpose, a woman with an aura so strong but yet so divine and angelic all other people could do nothing but observe in awe.

As Taylor moved out from her room to her two friends, they looked at her with gleaming eyes, pride along with fear filling their thoughts. There were no words spoken between them but a simple hug, before a known follower of Tom escorted Taylor to his floor.

Taylor was nervous. How could she not be at such a risky night, but it seemed to get easier the closer she got to Tom. Right now all she wanted was to meet him and for him to tell her everything was going to go on smoothly.

The man opened the door for her and she thanked as she walked in. The suite was just as big as the one she had been staying in but with a huge entrance.

Tom had heard the door opening and closing just as he was about to check himself one last time in the mirror. His nerves were cooler than ever, not the slightest explosion could make him jump and it was going to take all of his concentration and self control to be able to maintain it throughout the entire night.

He walked out to the hallway, taking the time to be sure his cufflinks were set straight.

-Hi, Taylor said as Tom came out in her vision.

The tux he was wearing was snug, showing off his straight and broad figure, adding only to his masculinity. His face was clean and fresh and Taylor was a little struck by how pinpoint the word, dashing, was describing him in that moment.

Tom stopped mid-walk as he raised his eyes at her. The dress she had shown him before was not given the right justice as the whole outfit was complete. Taylor looked stunning to him. In fact she looked so breathtaking, all he could do was stand in the middle of the room and feel the hairs on his neck rise.

-Hi, he was able to mumble out.

Taylor let out a short laugh as she approached him carefully not to step on her dress, placing her hands on his chest, feeling the quality of his tux under her fingers. He looked good enough to eat to be frank.

-You look really good, she mumbled and Tom smiled in response.

-Thank you, you look very good too, he said and she smiled just as much back.

-So can we go through the plans once again? Taylor asked, straightening herself out, but still maintaining her close space from Tom.

His presence had a calming effect on her, little did she know that magic worked just as fine the other way around as well.

Tom’s mouth tipped up slightly. He adored this woman and her ability to overanalyze and break everything down to little details until everyone involved got a little crazy.

-Still want to talk about the plans?

Taylor looked up and held his steady gaze, shaking her head no after a few seconds of debating with herself. She had heard it a few times by now and it made her a little ill to her stomach to possibly hear it one unbearable more time.

-I don’t feel like talking about it anymore, she confessed quietly. Taylor was all slippery emotions inside, able to grasp only two of them, nervousness and desire.

All while Tom held perfectly still.

-Taylor, he said roughly.

He stroked his thumb across her cheek while his other hand grasped her around the waist firmly.

Taylor slid her hands up his torso, memorizing every ripple of muscle underneath that expensive suit that looked a thousand times better on him then on a rack. She inhaled his scent. Car-leather, spices and wood.

 She traced the planes of his face with her fingers, curiously exploring his sharp, defined features. All through this, Tom didn’t move, enduring her touch with his eyes observing Taylor.

-Taylor, he repeated In a strained voice.

He was getting really close to her, his fingers pressing into her back, enjoying the building in him too much.

-Not yet, she whispered.

Taylor spread her fingers over his chest, admiring the confident line of his posture. Leaning in, she closed her eyes.

Tom couldn’t resist. He loved Taylor and he loved her even more in moments like this. Times where nothing else in this world mattered to either of them but the longing of their hands or the desperation of admire between them.

His mouth opened under Taylor’s, his tightly reined control shuddering through his body. His arms wrapped around her, securing her against him. He kissed Taylor harder and she melted completely in his embrace.

They both heard the knock on the door and how Gustav walked in with cautious steps.

-Hey guys it’s time, he called out.

Tom wanted to stay like this but time was getting lost and he pulled away, grabbing her hand in his tightly.

-I have to go to meet with the men at first, I’ll see you in a bit, he said and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Taylor nodded and before she knew it Tom had exited the room and she walked up to Gustav, wearing the dashing suit Mellie had chosen for him.

-You look great Gustav, she smiled as he smiled equally much back.

-And you look even better than great.

She grabbed his arm and they both wandered out and took the elevator down. 

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin