Chapter 22

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Tom’s POV

The pain was throbbing in my whole body as I pushed myself to open my eyes. I rolled around in the bed as a groan left my lips. The pain was even worse when I moved.

I flickered my eyelids open to find I was in my bedroom. The soft covers surrounded me as I slowly turned my head to Bill who was sitting in a chair, sleeping with his head leaning on his shoulder as he was curled together in sweats and a t-shirt.


A soft voice erupted as I looked to the other side of the bed where Mellie was sitting in a chair with a magazine in her hand, looking like she had just stopped flipping through it. She had small dark circles under her eyes making it look like she was burned out and tired.

"Hi" I smiled softly but winced a little as I felt my busted lip hurting.

She smiled back at me before tossing away the magazine and straightening herself out a bit. She too had on sweats and a t-shirt, as she had pulled up her hair in a tight knot.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, placing her hand on my shoulder and tilted her head. I moved my arms a little, feeling how they were bruised and I had burn marks on my wrists from the rope.

"Okay I guess" I groaned and felt my entire body hurting. My memory than started re-booting again as the whole night flashed in front of my eyes.

"What happened after I passed out?" I asked tensely, remembering how Taylor and Hirato stormed inside the wine cellar. All I could remember was Anthony talking in low mumbling voices and how my heart had dropped when I realized Taylor was there. After that it went black.

Mellie gave me a hesitant look before standing up, walking around the bed to Bill as she softly shook his shoulder. He groaned a little as he opened his eyes and smiled to her as she smiled back. She nodded towards me as Bill turned his head to me, his eyes expanding.

"TOM! How are you feeling?" He practically shouted at me as I flinched a little at his loud voice.

"I’m okay..."

I gave him a comforting look as he seemed to calm down the slightest bit.

"What happened?" I asked once again with a strained voice.

Bill sat down at the edge of my bed as I tried to sit up a little bit. The pain shot through me as I winced. Mellie shot me an apologetic look as I straightened myself out. Bill explained what had happened after I’d passed out and my tenseness grew. I didn’t want to be stuck in this bed after what I heard.

"So Anthony is dead?" I asked after Bill stopped explaining.

He looked somewhat relieved but also stressed out. He ran a hand through his hair and glanced over at Mellie who was sitting in the chair again, looking through the magazine from before. By the looks of her face she didn’t really want to hear this conversation and tried her best to block it out.

"He is, but I don’t know what it means" Bill murmured. I shifted in my seat a little as the cover slipped down from me, revealing that I had on a pair of sweats and a grey tank top.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now