Brits Secret

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We swayed in our seat at the top of the fairs wheel. It was so beautiful. From way up here you could see the whole fair below us. To our left you could see the dark outline of our high school. To our right was downtown. I cool breeze whipped my hair around, and sent a shiver down my spine. “Isn’t it beautiful up here?” I asked Bryce, who sat next to me.

“It is.” Bryce said. I smiled and leaned back, letting him wrap a single arm around my waist. Both of our heads tilted back to glance up at the stars. The beautiful dots decorated the sky. This moment was beautiful. Truly beautiful. It would be one of those distant happy memories that I would cherish when Bryce left.

This moment seemed to last forever. When the ride started to move forward I frowned. We were lowered back to the ground and had to step out of the little cart. I was about to ask Bryce where to go next when my phone rang.


“Hey sweetie. I need you to come home.” My mom’s voice said on the other line.

“What?! Why?!” I asked, glancing at my wrist watch. It was only 8!

“Because I said so!” she said.

She hung up before I could protest any further.

“What’s wrong?” Bryce asked.

“My mom told me I have to come home.”

“Why?” he asked.

“’Cause she said so.’” I said mocking her voice. I crossed my arms across my chest and glared ahead. If my mom were here she would tell me to stop acting like a toddler.

“Don’t worry, we still have a couple more days.” He said, planting a kiss on my forehead. He grabbed my hand and started to lead me back to the parking lot. “So what shall we do tomorrow, love?” he asked.

I giggled at his attempt to speak with a British accent.

“Hmmm, I don’t know govna, maybe have a spot of tea?” I responded in my own incredibly awesome British accent.

“How ‘bout coffee instead?” he asked.

“Holy crap you read my mind!” I said, trying to sound as shocked as possible.

He chuckled as he opened the door for me. I hopped in, and he shut it behind me and then jogged over to his side. He turned the keys, and brought his old truck to life. “So, do you want the norm tomorrow?”

“Do you even need to ask?”

“No, but I do just to make sure.” He informed me.

We turned onto the road that leads to our neighborhood. As we drove we talked about the rides we road and the things we did today. We pulled up to my house and I frowned. I wanted this night to last a little longer. I hope my mom gives me a valid reason for cutting my night short other than ‘because I said so.’

“Well I guess it’s time for me to go.” I said, my voice laced with disappointment.

I was about to reach for the door knob when Bryce pulled me into a hug. I tilted my head so I could kiss him. It wasn’t a long passionate kiss, but a goodnight kiss. Short and sweet. “Night Bryce.”

“Sweet dreams Summer.” He said bringing a smile to my face.

As I walked to the door my smile soon turned into a heated glare. I pushed open the door, “MOM! I’m home! Why did you have me come home?”

My mom peaked her head out of her office. She had a phone on pressed to her ear. She gave me a look, and pointed up. I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs grumbling to myself. I walked down the hallway and into my room. I turned on the light in my bedroom and went to my closet. “Hey Summ!”

I jumped at the voice. I turned my head to see Brit laying on my bed.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” I asked in a hushed voice, worried that my mom would think she broke in.

“Don’t worry, your mom is the one who let me in.” she told me.

“Well then what’s up? Why are you here?” I asked, leaning against the wall.

Her ever present smile faltered. “I needed someone to talk too.”

“What’s wrong?” I asked, worriedly.

“Well, you know how Gus left two weeks ago to go to college?”


“Well, on his last night here we spent the night together. Together... together.” She hinted.

My jaw dropped, “You didn’t!”

“We did… and … and-“ she stuttered. Her hand rested on her stomach, and she looked at me with tears starting to fill in her eyes.

“Summer, I’m pregnant.”


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