Summer and Bryce

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This Story has a part one called My Soccer Boy. I strongly sugest reading that first! Enjoy!

Also, I am the original author of this story. This story had been stolen from me over this past summer, but Wattpad took care of it. So this is MY story from my official page. I hope you enjoy my work. :)


"Come on babe, it's our last week before school starts. We need to do something." I declared.

"Yeah? Like what?"

I grinned and sat on his lap. "Well we can't do much tonight, so let's have a movie night." I said.

"Okay what do you want to watch?" he asked.

"She's the man!" I squealed jumping off his lap and running to put the movie in. Bryce and I were in my living room. My mom had been on call, and had to leave an hour ago, leaving Bryce and I alone.

I pressed play and ran to sit next to Bryce. I loved this movie. Not only because it's the best soccer movie ever, in my opinion of course, but also because Channing Tatum is in it! I leaned on Bryce and he wrapped an arm around me.

Bryce and I had met my sophomore year in high school, in a German I class. At first we hated each other, absolutely loathed each other! But that was before we saw each other play. Play soccer that is. Not only do we share a passion of soccer but he saw me at my weakest point. He held me as I cried about my dad who had died in the line of duty the year before. We seemed to be total opposites yet we had so much in common. But what really connected us was our passion for soccer.

We've been together for about 11 months. And every day with him seems to be better than the last. I cuddled closer to him as I watched Amanda Bynes get transformed into her twin brother so she could go play soccer at this other school. I think I would literally die if they cut the girls team at my school like they did on this movie. We sat there in silence enjoying the movie. And then it happened. CHANNING TATUM SHIRTLESS! I squealed when I saw the sexiness that is Channing enter the screen. "It's Channing!" I screeched.

Bryce raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "Excuse me? Your boyfriend is right here."

"Oh I know it's just... Channing." I said smiling at the TV.

"Am I gona have to compete with this guy the whole movie for your attention?" he asked.

I tore my eyes away from the TV and looked at him, "Of course not."

He relaxed a little and that when I added, "There is no competition, he's Channing Tatum for Christ's sake!"

"Oh really?" he said getting up slightly.


He grinned announced on me, playfully pinning me to the couch.

"Well he can't have you, 'cause your my girl." He said leaning down to kiss me. Our kiss turned into a make out session. My hands were tangled in his hair, and his hands trailed up and down my back.

He pulled away, breathing heavy and grinning down at my dazed expression with satisfaction. "Alright you win. Sorry Channing." I said, looking back at the TV.

We both broke out into laughter.


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