Part 16

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The next four weeks were a complete bliss. Lady Florentina finally left the mansion and took her drama along with her, the Earl and Countess Estelle were officially invited to join the Royal Council of Affairs in London and Jonathan had been officially declared as the new Earl of  Brighton. However, what really delighted me the most was how Jonathan turned into an entirely new man in front of my eyes.

During the day he would often take me riding or show me around the estate that now belonged to both of us. He would also allow me to make decisions necessary for the running of the household which I found to be truly entertaining.
Then, almost every night he would share my bed and profess the love and passion he had towards me and so would I.  Everything seemed to have fallen perfectly in place.

One windy afternoon, Jon and I were having tea in the drawing room when a page arrived with a letter from the Crown, summoning Jonathan as well as a list of other important men to Edinburgh to discuss statal matters.  I despised the thought of having to spend a week away from my husband but I had no other choice. For the duration of his trip, I tried my best to have the house fully cleaned, the furniture dusted, the wooden floors polished and the windows wiped. I wanted to try to do something which would surprise him and make him feel comfortable after such a stressful trip.  

I had only finished breakfast one morning,  when I started to feel lightheaded and nauseous. I rushed towards the washroom and rang the bell for Blair who quickly sought me.

"Is everything alright?"she asked with her face washed with worry.

"I don't feel any better." I squirmed as I cluthed my stomach.

"Should I ring the doctor?"

"I think that would be wise."


Blair and I waited impatiently for the doctor to make his diagnosis. He then removed his gloves and turned to me with a smile.

"I have wonderful news to share with you Countess."he began.

"Is she expecting?" Blair squealed.

"Just so." said the doctor. At that moment my heart started to race.

"I knew it!" Blair screamed happily. She then ran towards me and wrapped me in a hug.

"I cannot believe this..." I said, feeling butterflies building up in my stomach.  "I ... I am actually going to be a mother."

"You will be the best mother." Blair giggled.

"Yes, it is important to rest and stay hydrated at all times." said the doctor before Blair showed him the way out.

In just two days, Jonathan would return and there would be no sweeter surprise than this awaiting him.


I awoke just as the sun had begun to rise. I quickly got out of bed and put in my silk robe before going downstairs to the kitchen to make some tea and fetch some hot scones from the oven. Jonatgan had arrived during the middle of the night and I wanted to surprise hin with a breakfast in bed and then announce the pregnancy. I carefully arranged everything on a silver tray and slowly walked upstairs and made my way to his chamber. All was silent as I slowly and quietly opened the door, expecting to find the love of my life sound asleep.

However, the sight before me was beyond anything I'd ever imagined. He was sound asleep and beside him, a fair maiden with dark curls also deep in slumber, her arm draped over his back.

At that moment, I felt my life collapsing into a thousand pieces.  Tears started streaming down my cheeks uncontrollably and when i vould not behold the sight any longer,  I left the tray on the nightstand and fled the room. I rushed to my chamber and put on a thick, long-sleeved gown,  a pair of leather boots and a bonnet. I picked a straw basket from the stables and placed some bread and fruit inside and then quickly hurried away from the mansion as fast as I could.

The further I ran from the mansion, the more I knew I'd lost everything I had.  Yet I knew that I could not survive living with the monster who had betrayed my heart. I silently cursed at myself for believing that he'd actually grown to love me. It had all been a fantasy in my head to try to convince me to tollerate a life-long marriage to this man. But now, not only had I been betrayed by him, but was carrying his child; this innocent human being that would be born into a life without a father.

After hours of walking across fields, I found large tree to rest under from the hot sun. I had some bread and an apple that I'd packed in the basket and then drifted off into restless slumber.

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