Chapter 30

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What would you expect to happen when you leave two hormonal teenagers who want to explore their feelings for each other alone? My guess would be something similar to the scene going on here.

Noah props himself up, resting his weight on his forearms so as not to crush me. I lay underneath him, with my hair sprawled across his pillows as his hands explore my body, melting all my worries away. His hand runs softly under my thigh as our lips stay melted together and my leg hooks onto his hip.

My hands wander down his back, reaching the hem of his t-shirt and sliding under it. My nails scratch his skin lightly, making him shiver, and I ball his shirt in my fist, starting to ride it up cautiously. I want it off, but I'm too scared to do it myself. Luckily for me, he gets the hint, grabbing his collar by the back of his neck and pulling his shirt over his head, tossing it to the side not really minding where it lands.

I curiously trace my fingers over his abdomen and up his chest before he parts our lips and dips his head down to the exposed skin on my legs. He leaves a trail of kisses starting at my knee and working his way up the inside of my thigh. He looks up at me with hooded eyes, full of lust and his lips slightly parted as he takes a breath. Our eyes meet and my fingers tangle themselves in his hair, running over the buzzed part at the back of his head.

He lowers to continue his trail while running his hands up the side of my leg and my hips, until they reach my waist, his fingers digging into my skin as he pulls himself up. He places soft kisses up my stomach, starting just above my shorts and working his way upwards as he slowly inches my shirt up. I raise my arms, letting him pull it over my head until it comes off exposing my black lace bra.

He takes a second to look at me, and I realize I've never exposed myself like this to someone before. I hesitate going further, but my body has a mind of its own as I grab his face and lower it down to connect our lips again. With one hand he balls up my shirt, which he's still holding, and tosses it to the side of the bed. But before it can even hit the floor the door swings open.

"Noah what the hell is going on here?"

I'm frozen, speechless and topless, laying in a bed with a half-naked guy while a woman I've never seen before in my life stares at us from the door frame.

"Mom, what are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming back for another week" Noah finally speaks.

He just said mom. Oh no.

"Oh, excuse me, I didn't know I had to ask you for permission to come to my own house!" she shoots back.

Noah rolls his eyes, sighs, and rolls over on his side to shield me from his mother's glare. "You know that's not what I meant. I'm just saying, if I knew you'd be here I would have locked the door."

"And how exactly would you have done that without the key?" she says pulling a golden key out of her pocket and dangling it on her finger.

"You took my key? Why?" he asks shocked.

"Uhm, I don't know" she replies sarcastically, "So that you wouldn't lock the door maybe? I'm sick and tired of you having parties, and girls over here, especially when I'm not home."

"Well, maybe if you were here once in a while, you could have more of a say in the matter." he retorts, a hint of anger behind his words. This is getting really uncomfortable really fast, and that's without even considering the fact that this woman has a full view of my lingerie.

"I don't have time for this," She says, straightening out her clothes. "You," she points at me and my heart stops, "What's your name?"

"M-Maddison," I stutter nervously.

"Claudia, pleasure to make your acquaintance," she says, looking me up and down and I can't tell if there's sarcasm behind her words. "Now put some clothes on, both of you." She says tossing my shirt onto the bed and I rush to put it on, "Your grandma is waiting for you downstairs, I have a skull-splitting migraine so I'll be in my room. Don't bother me until dinner's ready." She leaves, shutting the door behind her and I let out a breath I hadn't noticed I was holding as I collapse back onto the bed.

"That was the most humiliating moment of my whole entire life. I want to die more than I ever have before. Please, don't call an ambulance, let this just be the end of me, because I don't think I'll ever experience something worse than that." I say covering my red face with my hands.

"While I'd like to say it wasn't that bad, it wouldn't be true." he says, holding in his laughter.

"This isn't funny, jackass," I nudge him and he laughs even harder, standing up and peering out the window.

"Well, unfortunately, it's about to get a lot less funny, because both my siblings' cars are in the driveway. And if you thought that encounter with my mom was unpleasant, wait till you meet my sister." He says, his words making my heart start racing and my blood rush to my head. He slips his shirt on and offers me his hand, "Get ready."

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