Chapter 20

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I had to stay after class today to get back to tutoring, and though I'll admit there are a million other ways I'd rather spend my afternoon, but it worked out perfectly because it made my and Tyler's schedules sync up. He asked me to give him a hand with his college application essay, so we're heading to his house after his football practice, which should be wrapping up right about now.

With my bag hanging loosely off my shoulder I walk from the library to the football field across the school. I see the cheerleaders heading to the locker rooms and one red and white blur comes at me at full speed.

"What's up chica?" Syd hugs me tightly.

"Ugh, gross! Shower first, hug later," I say pushing her away as her sweat makes her flyaway hairs stick to her face.

"Rude," she scoffs, untying her hair from the tight ponytail she had it in and combing it out with her fingers, auburn waves cascading all over the place, "So listen. Friday night. You and me. The football guys. Jackson's house," she says with a pause between each sentence.

"Yeah, I'm going to need a little more details," I reply, narrowing my eyes skeptically.

She sighs "Jackson invited me to hang out at his house on Friday, and I thought 'Oh cool, this guy is finally taking a hint and asking me on a date.'  But no. He said his friends from the team are coming, and I don't want to be the only girl there, so I was hoping you'd come with me...?" she smiles and puts her hands together in a plea.

"Just you and me, alone, with all those guys?" I raise my brows pointing to the football field.

"And Ty..." she adds hesitantly.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Tyler identifies as a guy, so you're not really helping your case."

"Come on, pleeease?" she puts her best puppy dog face on "It'll just be a couple of hours and I can't go without you! Besides, don't play so hard to convince, I know you're dying to get another chance to be alone with Noah." She makes kissing noises mocking me and I put my hand over her mouth.

I feel awful that I still haven't told her and Ty about my date with Noah last week. I've been trying to keep everything that happened between us, well...between us; but seeing Noah every day at school makes it very hard for me to keep my distance. The fact that he's an insufferable tease, flashing cheeky smiles at me across the hallway, or a devilish wink whenever he walks past me on his way to class, doesn't help either.

I'm not hiding it because I'm ashamed to be seen with him or anything, but it's like Noah said, my personal life shouldn't be anyone else's business other than my own. I know my best friends should be the exception, but recent circumstances have made things...complicated. Ever since that day Tyler voiced his concerns about my dating life, I've decided it's best for our relationship to keep everything boy-related out of our topics of conversation. And with Syd, I love her with all my heart but that girl has some loose lips, and I know if she finds out, Tyler's next. I'll have to tell them at some point, it's inevitable, but I'm hoping that point is a little bit farther in the future.

With the afternoon sun directly in my face, I can hardly make out someone jogging up to us, and I try to appear deeply engaged in conversation with Syd as the light catches his golden hair and I recognize who is approaching.

"Hey Mads," he smiles behind Syd.

"Hey, Noah. What's up?" I ask tightening my ponytail, something I always do when I'm struggling to hide how uncomfortable I am. He doesn't pick up on it, but luckily Syd does.

"Alright, I think that's my cue," She says as she starts heading to the locker rooms, "Think about it Mads!" she yells before picking up her pace and disappearing into the crowd of girls in red and white uniforms.

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