Chapter 4

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Matt's POV

The next morning, Doe and I rose at 5 am. This left her with an hour to get dressed while I had two.

After a year-long shower, Doe wandered out of the bathroom, seeming crestfallen.

"It's sort of tight..." she waddled into the center of the room. I was on the bed, holding our freshly brewed drinks.

Doe wore a white, chef's shirt and a black, A-line skirt. I took a good, long look. The skirt clung to her hips like a second skin, with a bit of a flare at the bottom. I have to admit, she didn't look awful.

"...Maybe ask for an exchange?" I suggested, handing her one of the mugs. I didn't know what else to say.

I returned to my corner of the room, and we quietly sipped on our drinks until a conversation was born.

"Weren't your eyes blue yesterday?" Doe pointed out, observing the grey that they now - naturally - were.

"I wear contacts," I swallowed, "Didn't you know?"

"No..." her eyes widened.

Doe was fascinated and questioned me on my choice. So, I allowed her curiosity to have its fill. I explained that I didn't want the whole world knowing, I was practically blind.

"Have you ever tried glasses?" she pushed further and I shook my head.

"Only once. But after that, no."

I could tell she had an endeavour to make me more comfortable. Doe went on to explain that someone she knew was insecure 'as well' and settled for contacts when glasses didn't work for him.

"I'm not self-conscious about it," I shot back, then paused, "Your... lover?"

"I said, friend."

"Oh. Well, have you ever dated?"


I squinted at her short response. Doe was stunning, so there was no way she was telling the truth.

After seconds of awkward silence passed, she asked why I didn't just stick with grey contacts.

I groaned at her.

"I'm just... finding a way to say I like your eyes," she shrugged, collecting her bag and other articles.

"Ha, thank you." I flashed a smile at her on her way out.

That was a first.

The entirety of the orphanage came alive by 8 am. I omitted the previous few days from my memory since it was clear today might be a bit different.

When I entered, I was immediately bombarded by a young boy who seemed no more than six. He appeared to have been sprinting across the hall when he crashed into my abdomen, which caused him to stumble backward. He wore a name tag on his bright, green shirt, perfectly complementing the fondness that was his eyes. He looked up at me slowly, and I read his name.


He nodded.

"Watch where you're running man, seriously." I furrowed my eyebrows, already putting my foot down.

Jack slanted his head, vaguely processing what I had just said. He examined me closely, then walked off.

So that's what this was going to be like?

I resumed on my way, navigating through the scattered crowds of volunteers and orphans who congregated at random corners in the hallway. I eventually entered the kitchen just in time to see Doe's hands hidden in gloves and carefully assembling lines of sandwiches. I knew that she preferred to be left alone, so I let her be. Her shift would be over in an hour and a half, anyway.

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