18. fish out of water

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August 29th, 1986. Streets of Venice. 11:39 A.M.

"What the hell did I just do?" Roland whispered quietly to himself, staring down at his shaking hands. He had thrown on a pair of jeans, t shirt and trench coat before leaving the hotel, only to realise it was way too hot to be wearing that. He stood in the middle of a park with no shoes on.

It was bright out, but nobody was around. He stands under the shade of a tree, contemplating how he could've cut one of his best friends jaw open. He wanted so much to relieve the stress, digging his hand into the coat pocket to find nothing at all. He grumbles at no cigarette packet.

Until he checks the other side and finds his platinum card. He walks across the street to a small corner store; the owners stare him down as he stares up at the selection of cigarette packets. He points one out, no speaking any Italian, he must've looked like a homeless man to these people. They finally pass them over and he pays before leaving the store.

As he steps foot outside, a speeding police car cuts across two cars and parks out the hotel. He just froze in place, knowing that they were called for him, the officers exit the car and proceed inside. Fearing the worst, Roland turned and ran in the opposite direction to find a hide out until it all blows over. He couldn't the deny the feeling of being a fish out of water. 

August 29th, 1986. Hotel in Venice. 11:39 A.M.

Ian and Martin must've heard the commotion because they arrived in a minute after Roland fled.

At one point I heard them knocking at the door, but I didn't answer. I remained next to Manny for a second, hoping it would calm down.

They move to the other doors, thinking maybe it was in there. "Please Manny." I plead, holding his face in my hands, "You can't tell anyone what happened. Please pretend it was a crazy fan or something. Please."

The continuous beating on the door, returned and I open it for them. Martin rushed straight over to Manny, and begin inspecting his face, "What happened?" he looked up at me in disbelief.

I backed up, eventually hitting Ian, who rubbed my arms for comfort, "There was a man." I lied, "He came... and he tried to slash his throat, but I- I scared-d him off." my voice trembled.

Martin looked down to Manny, who proceeded to nod. In that moment Curt came into the room, "What's going on here?" he said, coming over to me and wrapping his strong arms around me. A weight lifted off my shoulders, "Someone broke in and tried to pretty much kill Manny."

"Call the police." Martin ordered, "Get a wash cloth and bandages." Curt did what was told and went over to the phone on the bedside table, he dialled up the number and explained to dispatchers what happened.

Manny sat up, "I'm fine guys." He waves his hands, trying to assure everyone, "Tis but a scratch." He managed to say jokingly. Martin dealt with the police, they questioned everyone. Manny and I stuck to the fake story.

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