11. your mouth

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June 20th, 1986. Airport. 11:07 A.M.

The plan was for everyone to meet outside of the airport at exactly eleven that morning. When we pull up into the parking lot, Roland and Kate are already waiting outside their car. I had no idea where everyone else was.

I fought back the urge to unbuckle my seat belt and run straight into Roland's arms. I climbed out of the passenger seat and he doesn't even acknowledge me.

"Where are Manny and Ian?" Curt asked, sliding out of the driver's seat. Roland shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows, you can't count on those two for much." He said, seemingly irritated by something.

After a couple of moments of waiting around, he grows impatient, "Let's get going shall we." We all decide to go inside. The boys walked together, speaking about primal scream and something about soccer.

I wasn't really paying attention to anything but the shape of their bodies as I followed them towards security, "My boys." I said to myself, forgetting that Kate was walking right besides me.

She tilts her head to me, "What did you say?" she asked. "Nice weather we're having." I lied, picking up my pass to catch up with the boys.

We wait in line, watching as the people in front of us go through the metal detectors. Some people get stopped, and taken to the side, while others go straight through. Finally, it's our turn.

Roland steps up first, takes off all his things and puts them on the conveyor belt. The light flickers red as he walks under the scanner. My heart skips a beat, when the guard moves over and takes Roland to the side.

My eyes remain glued to him being patted down and having the metal detector run over his body. It wasn't until it hovers over his ear that it started to beep, "Piercings." Roland said, staring at man directly in the face.

The guard steps back, "Enjoy your flight, kids." He says, letting Roland go. We move over to the waiting lobby to wait for the plane to be called.

"Over here!" Ian yelled out, waving his arms frantically. Roland grumbles something under his breath. People stared as we made our way over to them. "Do you two not take directions or are you just plain stupid?" he spat harshly, throwing himself down on a chair.

"Well well, I guess someone is on his period." Manny cackles elbowing Ian who starts up as well.

Roland ignores them, grumbling under his breath again. He gets like this when he's grumpy, for some reason he never got mad at Curt though. I slid down the wall, and sat on the ground, as it was busy. Curt does the same next to me.

I wasn't pay attention, too absorbed in own thoughts when Curt leans in with stern eyes then licks my face, his tongue tickles my skin causing me to bury my head in his armpit. He lifts his chin on top of my head. I breathe in deeply, he always smells so damn good.

"You're both disgusting." Manny's voice rang out loudly, wrinkling his face up. "At least they aren't kissing." Ian laughed.

Curt raises his eyebrows, "Like this, boys?" he asked, tilting my chin up and pushing his pair of lips against my own. I curled my fingers around the back of his hair, intensely kissing him back like he deserved.

I pull back at a round of applause, whistling from Ian and Manny. I rolled my eyes at them, and make eye contact with Roland, he quickly looks away with a sour look plastered on his face, "I'll be back in a moment, I need to take a piss."

"To much info." Kate spurted out. Roland ignores her and starts to walk over to the bathrooms. I take this chance, "He's right, let's get our things now so we won't miss the plane. Anyone want anything?" I say, standing up and dusting myself off.

I grab out a little piece of paper and pen and begin to write down what everyone wants. "A bottle of coke, tooth paste, peanuts, chips!" Manny says, followed by Kate's demands, "make up wipes the expensive ones, I'm not cheap. And a bottle of sparkling water with a lemon cut up in cubes."

I pencil in the list and shove the note deep into my pocket before making my way over to where Roland was. Lucky enough the bathrooms were out of view from anyone else.

Roland was waiting for me around the corner, I followed him into a small back room, presumably a storage room. I didn't ask how he found it, or how he knew I was coming to see him. We practically fall through the door together, quickly he pushes my head down.

I drop onto my knees, unbuckling his belt with one hand and rubbing the front of his jeans with the other. I unzipped his pants, immediately his member is ready for me, I glide my hand over it for a couple of moments before engorging it in my mouth.

He throws his head back with pleasurable sweet moans, as I glide my mouth over it. His chest tenses up and breathing hitches faster. Not long after his body twitches hard, flooding my mouth. I let his warm fluids trickle out of my mouth and down my chin, before swallowing it.

He re buckles his pants and leaves me alone. I felt absolutely disgusting, sweaty and awful all at once. 

A/N: I feel like my chapters escalate quickly, but I don't want people to get bored with tiny details so idk 

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