nervous • changbin

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word count: 1.2k

genre: fluff


Am I overdressed? You thought to yourself as you sat at the corner table at a cafe. Your thoughts were going a million miles an hour along with your knee that was bouncing nervously. You moved your eyes to the front of the cafe as the bell dinged, signaling someone had walked in.

Shit, I'm overdressed, you thought as you took in your date's appearance. Changbin was dressed casually in a pair of black jeans and a black long sleeve. His silver chain was dangling around his neck like it usually was. It was an effortless look but he still managed to look like a goddamn model.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late," Changbin said as he sat across from you. You could hear your heart thumping in your chest and you were seriously convinced he could hear it. He glanced over you and grinned. "You look pretty."

You laughed nervously as your cheeks flushed at his compliment. "I'm completely overdressed, but thanks."

"How long have you been waiting?" He asked and you cleared your throat and tried to calm your rapidly beating heart.

"Not long," you spoke. "Ten minutes maybe."

"Ah, sorry about that. Chan was being ridiculous," he said and you smiled a bit. With Chan also being your best friend, you knew how he could be. He was the father of the group and always barked questions until he knew everything.

The two of you kept eye contact until Changbin shyly averted his gaze. "I'm not used to seeing you without jeans on," Changbin said finally. "Or sweats."

"I'm not used to it either," you said as you played with the ends of your dress. "It doesn't help that it's cold as hell outside. I don't know what I was thinking."

You laughed and he smiled. "Well, I think you look beautiful," he said and you blushed furiously. "I'm kind of surprised you agreed to go out with me."

"Why is that?" You asked him. It wasn't a secret that you had a thing for Changbin. You always had. He was just a really sweet guy, always humble and calm. And the fact that he was attractive as hell didn't help your situation at all.

"I don't know," he said. "I just thought you wouldn't want to. I didn't think you liked me like that."

"Oh," your cheeks flushed. You thought you had made it so obvious. You weren't a very subtle person or good at keeping in your emotions. All of the boys knew and they sure liked to tease you about it. Assholes. "I didn't think you liked me either."

"How could I not?" He asked shyly. "I've liked you ever since Chan introduced you to us. You were kind of shy and awkward but it was cute."

"How come you never told me?" You asked as you tried to contain your excitement from his newfound confession.

"I don't know," he shrugged a bit. "I guess I was just too shy. I didn't think you would like someone like me."

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Someone like you?" He didn't say anything but just nodded. "Changbin. There's nothing wrong with you. You're sweet and kind. You're also ridiculously smart when it comes to the whole rapping thing."

His cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as you complimented him. "We're actually having a gig tomorrow. You should come."

"I'd love to." He smiled at you and it took your breath away. He was honestly the most stunning person you had ever laid your eyes on, inside and out.

"Have you ordered?" Changbin asked and you shook your head, flicking your eyes down to the unopened menu in front of you. But you didn't need to look. You already knew what you wanted. He nodded his head a bit and stood. "I'm starving."

"Me too." You went to stand up but he stopped you.

"I know what you want. The ham club with a cup of broccoli cheddar, right? Light on the mayonnaise?"

Your mouth fell open as you nodded your head. You were shocked that he remembered what you got here. Of course, you came here all the time with the boys but you didn't think any of them paid attention to your order.

You always knew Changbin was a meticulous person but it made your heart warm knowing he remembered. Changbin smiled at you before he walked over to the counter and ordered for the both of you.

Changbin returned to the table a few moments later and you smiled at him. He couldn't help but smile back. But on the inside, his stomach was doing flips.

He was beyond nervous. He had always been nervous just to be in the same room as you. There was just something about you. He thought you were perfect. He didn't understand how you could ever think otherwise. Even through all of the tiny things you called your flaws, Changbin saw perfection.

A waiter brought your food out and the two of you started eating. Neither of you said much but you didn't really need to. There was a comfortable silence settling in the air between you as you ate.

After you were done, Changbin threw your trash away and paid for the both of you. Then he came back to the table. "Do you want to go on a walk?" He asked hesitantly.

You wanted to say no right on the spot. It was nearly thirty degrees outside and your dumbass had worn a dress. You didn't want to freeze to death. But you wanted to spend some time with him.

You smiled. "I'd love to."

Changbin stood from his chair and offered his hand towards you. You slipped yours into his and stood from your chair. Then the two of you headed out of the cafe.

The cold air whipped at your bare legs immediately and you shivered. Changbin noticed and pulled you closer to him, making you gasp. He slipped his arm around your waist and your cheeks flushed at the contact.

"I should've thought this through," Changbin mumbled and you raised an eyebrow at him. "You're cold."

"Yeah," you shrugged. "It was my dumbass choice to wear a dress in the winter." You paused and gave him a cheeky smile. "Besides, I have you to keep me warm."

Changbin chuckled lightly. "That's true." He couldn't control himself anymore. He suddenly stopped walking and pulled you into his chest. His warm hands cupped your cheeks and you looked up at him. As he leaned in, your eyes fluttered shut then you felt his lips on yours.

The kiss was slow and sweet but it still managed to throw your stomach into knots. It was your first kiss too so you didn't really know what you were doing. But Changbin didn't mind taking lead.

He moved his lips against yours with the gentlest movements. He kept his hands cupped around your cheeks, his warmth comforting to you. You pulled away and Changbin rested his lips against your forehead.

"Do you want to go back to my apartment?" You asked, surprised that you didn't stutter. "I can make us some hot chocolate."

"Yeah, I'd love that," he said. So the two of you went to your apartment, where you both cuddled up with a blanket on a couch and sipped hot chocolate from mugs. And it was absolutely perfect.

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