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The next day after selling the morning edition all the newsies went to Jacobi's to say goodbye to Wolf and Jumps. The former leaders both gave each and everyone of the boys, and Feister some advice before they left.

Wolf went up to Jack and said, "Remember, these are your boys and goil now. Look out for 'em, take care of 'em, keep 'em outta trouble, an' always be there for 'em. But you'se gotta remember that being leader doesn't always mean ya got all the answer, it's ok ta ask for help, an' make sure they're all in the Lodge at the end of the day. No matter what happens they're still yer brothers an' sister."

Jack nodded. He was hoping that Wolf was making the right decision of putting him in charge. But if Wolf trusted him enough to lead Manhattan, then he would just have to do his best.

"Any advice for me?" Race asked.

Jumps smiled and said, "Make sure he don't get a big head, an' if he messes up be ready for a big blow up. Don't be afraid ta take charge when he can't, whether he's in the Refuge or can't handle the pressure, help 'im through it, an' be sure that ya look out not only for 'im, but for yourself an' the others, yer second, which means that you gotta be ready for anything." Race nodded, he was a little unsure about all this, but of Jack trust him to be second then he would do Jack, Jumps and himself proud.

Wolf turned to the others and said, "As for the rest of you'se, look out and protect one anudda, an' remember that yer all a family an' a family looks out for each other. Yer all each others got, stick together an' you'll do just fine." When Wolf and Jumps came went over to Feister and say goodbye to her she almost lost it. "Hey, hey, hey." Wolf kneeled down.

"It's ok," Jumps added, also kneeling down. Feister took a few deep breaths. "I's just wanna say, thank you for everything. you'se guys took a chance on me, an' I'm proud ta call you'se my brothers." she lunged forward wrapping her arms around their necks.

She didn't want them to leave. Sure, she was a little scared of them when she first came, but as time went by she looked up to them and counted on them to be there. But now, that was going to end soon. The second the walked out that door it would be time for a new chapter of her life. But she didn't want this chapter to end. So, she held them as tight as she could.

"An' we's proud ta call you our sister," Jumps whispered.

"You'se won't forget me, will ya?" she asked. She held them as tight as she could, like it would stop them from leaving. But both boys were stronger and much bigger than her. She a little hope that it'll work.

"How could we's ever forget a loud, crazy, weird, lovable goil like you," Wolf said, brushing away her hair. Just then the bell on the door rang. Everyone looked up to see a nicely dressed girl with dark hair walk in. she had a warm smile as she looked at all the newsies.

Jumps got up and nudged Wolf, who noticed that Samantha had walked in. Wolf smiled up her, then he turned back to Feister and gave her a kiss on her forehead before getting up. Jumps did the same and got up as well. After one more goodbye, Wolf and Jumps left Jacobi's for the last time.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

"Weird, ain't it," Feister said. It was night time and all the newsies were doing their own thing before lights out. She was sitting up in Mush's bunk as they played War. So far it was a tied game.

"What?" Mush asked while shuffling the cards.

"Wolf an' Jumps," she replied quietly. "It's weird not havin' 'em here. It don't feel right, ya know." Though Feister knew Jack and Race were going to be great leaders, but it was weird not having Wolf and Jumps there, it was hard even.

But Feister knew that Jack, Race, Specs, Albert and Finch were having a harder time since they knew Wolf and Jumps before they ever became leaders. But it was still weird not having them there.

'Yeah," Mush agreed.

"Hey Mush? Do you'se remember when Wolf an' Jumps would take us sellin' in the park near that big tree?" Feister asked with a small smile on her face.

"Yeah. I's remember that," Mush replied with a smile. The days spent in that park were some of the best times he ever had. And he got to do it with Feister, aka his best friend.

"I's also remember ya dropped half yer papes an' stumbled on yer words," she teased while laughing at the fond memory. She remembered the hot summer days spent sitting in the shade and snowball fights in the winter. In fall they would make leaf piles before jumping in, and in the spring they would watch the clouds. They always finished before Wolf and Jumps since their baby faces helped them sell before lunch so they got a lot of free time.

"Alright everyone!" Jack yelled. "Lights out, everyone ta bed."

"Night Feisty," Mush said.

"Night Mushy," she replied before jumping down. Barely missing Jojo who ducked onto his bed before she could fall on him. "Sorry, Jo."

"Someday you'se gonna turn me into a pancake," Jojo said with a smirk before hitting her with a pillow making her roll her eyes.

"I's know how ya feel," Romeo smirked. Feister rolled her eyes. She and Romeo used to share a bunk, with her being on the top and him on the bottom and well...let's just say there were a few times Romeo was a landing pad.

"Shut up," Feister snapped while shoving both boys heads to the sides.

"Night Feisty," they both said.

"Night dummies," she replied before heading off to her room.

"I's dunno how ya put up with 'er," Romeo said while looking up at Mush, who had the smallest smile on his face. Mush didn't hear what Romeo said because he was lost in his thoughts.

Romeo and Jojo smirked at each other and nodded. It was only a matter of time before Mush and Feister got together. After that they hopped into their beds for a good night's rest.

Before she went back into her room Feister looked back into the bunk room and saw Jack and Race making sure everyone was a counted for.

It was weird not hearing Wolf and Jumps call lights out or not seeing them go over the newsies. Everything was weird. Things were changing, and fast;  she wasn't sure if she liked it or not.

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