Behind the scenes

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Ok so here are some behind the scenes on me writing this book!

I came up with this after while having a conversation about my book with one of my best friends pettitxx !!

Here are the behind the scenes:

1. I've been through quite a few hard things that I'm not really going to get into, but that helps me write some of the things in my book, and make it as realistic as I can.

2. I have depression, anxiety, PTSD , OCD and am suicidal but you know nvm 😂👍

3. 5 random facts about me :, I love food, I'm am 15, I have actually always hated writing up til the time I started this and I love doing Technical stuff

4. You guys and ur comments are sometimes what sparks new ideas so keep commenting and private messaging me!

5. I came up with one of these chapters while hanging upside down

6. I have been thinking about writing something like this for quite a few yrs

7. Both Ella and Theo are kind of based off of people I know

8. I would love if anyone wanted to private message me or comment on here some questions u want to ask me!

9. I have already got a rough idea of what the last chapter will be, and it may or may not break ur hearts!

10. I know u guys want longer chapters and I'm trying but it's hard cause I don't want chapters to become boring half way through because I'm trying to make them longer!

11. I'm Bi 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 wooooooooooooooo!

12. I also can't believe we are at 300K ! This is incredible!

And that's pretty much it right now , but I will be updating this if something new happens!

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