Chap 31 - true feelings

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Theo's POV

I'm sat in a regular hospital chair with my hand in hers and my head on her stomach.

I'm not much of a believer in God but for the past week I've been praying to whatever or whoever is out there, if there is someone or something.

I love her


I love her like hell

And this

This is tearing me apart

I haven't slept, I haven't eaten, I haven't done anything except sit here and watch her and pray.

The whole gang has been down to see her and have tried to get me to move, but I can't, I just can't.

She is just lying there hooked up to every tube they have and I can't leave her, not now, not ever.

The doctors say she's in some sort of coma, and she will wake up, it's just a matter of when. It could be days, months, years, we just don't know.

But I'm prepared to sit here every second waiting for her to wake up, so that I'm the first thing she sees. So she knows I'm always here for her, so she knows I love her.

The monitor keeps beeping and that keeps me sane, knowing that at least she's still alive, and that there is still hope.

I look at her

"Why Ella, why, I keep asking myself why you would do this, and I haven't been able to come up with any answer, not one. Don't you see Ella, DON'T YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU!" I shout with tears streaming down my face. My body s shaking with both anger and sadness. "DON'T YOU KNOW, THAT EVERY SECOND I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT YOU, ABOUT HOW TO ASK YOU THE SIMPLEST THINGS, HOW TO EVEN TALK TO YOU BECAUSE I'M SCARED THAT I'LL MAKE A FOOL OF MYSELF, BECAUSE YOU MAKE ME NERVOUS, AND I'VE NEVER BEEN NERVOUS AROUND ANYONE, EVER, I'VE NEVER CRIED, I'VE NEVER LOVED." I calm down a bit. "And then you come along and change it all, you open up my heart and my mind and you make me see clearly. I didn't believe in soulmates and now I do. Because I know I'm yours and your mine. And there is nothing that you can do that will ever make me stop loving you. I love you Ella, I love you with every fibre on my being, I love you with everything I have, I love you with my heart and my soul. I love you."

"I love you to Theo" she says

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