Chapter Twenty Five

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Forgetting about Chase and his meaningless apology, I distract myself with thoughts of Daniel, and instantly, I'm smiling and feeling the butterflies in my tummy.

The way he touched me the other day in the library was so scandalous and dangerous. Every time he's touched me, I've felt this fire flame inside me and it's getting addictive and more desperate each time.

The sky has gotten darker and the warm breeze feels so good. Lights surrounding the basketball court are on but there aren't any players, yet I hear a ball bouncing against the ground. I smile when I see Daniel, by himself, on the court. For a moment, I admire him and how he's playing. So lost in his game and he looks hot. Sweat drips from his forehead and his white t-shirt sticks to his toned body. His arms are tense as he shoots the ball into the hoop.

"Daniel." I coo at him in joy.

Daniel glances at me but he doesn't smile. He doesn't stop playing. My smile falters a little and an unsettling feeling clings onto my chest.

"Daniel." Softly, I call out his name.

Daniel ignores me and takes a shot for the basket. The ball bounces away and he lets it. A vicious cloud looms over him as I walk towards him. My heart beating in nervousness.

"Is everything okay?"

"What are you doing here?" Daniel scowls.

My heart drops as does my smile.


"I told you to stay the fuck away from me, Rosé." Daniel snarls, heartlessly.

My eyes widen, my thoughts running wild wondering why he's angry.


"I saw you with Noah, Rosé." Daniel says, his voice hoarse.

When he crowds me with his menacing presence, his pupils are dilated as a look of pure, dark rage swirls in his chocolate eyes.

"Stop fucking with my head. I don't want to feel what you're making me feel. I hate it," Daniel growls, "To see you with my brother, smiling, laughing. I want to kill him and fuck you senseless so fuckers like him understand who you belong to."

Tears pool my eyes at his heartless words. A mix of emotions rushes through me—sadness, fear, and anger. Anger crawls up to strangle me and my nails dig into my palms. He's doing it again. He's pushing me away because he's uncomfortable with what I'm making him feel.

"I don't belong to anyone but me." My voice is unfriendly.

My words provoke him more and Daniel closes the distance between us by latching onto my wrist with a rough grip. A heartless, almost condescending smirks tugs on his lips as he moves his eyes from my eyes to my lips then back.

"Are you sure? Because the last time I checked, you came on my fingers, moaned my name," Daniel grips the side of my neck, wrenching me forward, "Don't fuck with me when it comes to you, Rosé. For some sick fucking reason, I can't seem to get enough of you and you saying you don't belong to anyone but you makes me want to fuck you into submission just to prove who you really belong to."

Cheeks blushing and heart pounding, I glower at Daniel as I push him away from me.

"I hate you." I whisper and walk away from him.

My heart is breaking at his wicked words. Sweet bitterness taints my senses and my tears fall. I hate when he gets angry with me. I feel so lost.

And the way he just touched me...


"Bro, you're gonna fucking die of alcohol poisoning if you don't stop." Kai playfully says but looks worried as we all stare at Daniel drinking himself to an early grave.

We're at West Hampton Lake Side and Daniel is racing tonight. There's a fuck-ton of cash counting on this race and if he fucks up because he's wasted, he'll be deep shit.

I don't know what the fuck happened to him but he's been brooding all night and drowning himself in alcohol. I know my older brother—by two minutes—like no other, Daniel doesn't get rattled easily so I know something definitely happened.

"I think it's better if I race for you instead because you're gonna kill yourself." I speak to my brother in seriousness.

Daniel looks at me, anger flashing in his eyes.

"As if you don't already take what's mine."


Something in his words has double meaning.

Daniel downs the rest of the JD bottle in one go.

I breathe in annoyance.

He's being fucking reckless.

Daniel drops the bottle on the ground and climbs into his car. I share a worried look with Kai and Matthew. Beau—the race master—walks over to us and we give him our bets. A guy we haven't seen before stands beside him, his eyes on me.

"Boys, I want you to meet West Hudson," Beau introduces the man, "He's come all the way from St. Vermont to bet on Daniel."

Why would someone come all the way from St. Vermont to bet on a street racer they've never even seen before? Something doesn't add up.

"I've heard that he's a formidable racer so I wanted to see if the rumors were true," West smoothly talks, tucking his hands in his pockets, "80K on him tonight."

<3 <3 <3 <3

My eyes stay locked on Daniel's car as it skids around the last curve of the gravelly track. He's racing pretty good for a wasted motherfucker. Everyone is watching in anticipation as the two cars race eagerly against each other. These races don't last long but they're dangerous.

As soon as Daniel's black car rushes down the finish line, I let out a breath I was holding. Daniel climbs out of his car and walks towards us.

"Daniel Carter." That weird Hudson dude calls his name.

Daniel eyes him for a second before looking at me for answers.

I shrug.

"Daniel, that was an exceptional race. Congratulations."

"Who the fuck are you?" Daniel looks annoyed as fuck.

West laughs.

"I'm West Hudson. I own a club in St. Vermont. I came here tonight to watch your race and I must say, I'm impressed," West smiles but it's cold, "Daniel, I want you to race for me in St. Vermont?"

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