Chapter Twenty Four

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I want to go home.

I'm so tired and sleepy.

I'm also hungry. I haven't had anything to eat besides the cheesy fries at lunch. Aaliyah sneaked out of campus so Noah and I spent lunch together. We hadn't hung out for a long time so it felt good to be talking to him. Noah is so sweet and I feel like I can talk to him about anything.

I haven't seen Daniel the whole day and since we're not studying today, that adds to the sadness in my heart. After what happened with Chase two days ago, I've been hyper-aware of him and Wren. I want to tell Nate about Wren but I know my brother will burn down the school, hang Principal DiLaurentis on the flagpole, and murder Wren.

The thought of my secret being revealed to the world is nauseating. I don't want that. If everyone found out what he's done to me, I'm going to be the subject of laughter. It's sad but it's the truth. People would blame me for making it happen and ruining the life of a perfect, innocent young boy. They wouldn't see his mistakes. They'd see mine...even though I made none. My life was ruined.


I stop when I hear Chase call out my name. I stare at him in suspiciousness, feeling my heart race with anxiousness and anger.

"What do you want, Chase?"

He's not supposed to be talking to me, let alone be near me.

"Can I talk to you, please?"

Suspiciously, I stare at him.


Chase rubs the back of his neck, nervously.

I'm near the basketball court and there are few other students lingering around so if he does anything stupid, I'll scream and they'll hear me.

"I'm sorry." Chase says.

"What?" My brows furrow.

"For what I did to you. For touching you, Rosé." His blue eyes are emotionless and it's almost amusing that he's so confident in believing I'd ever fall for his apology.

He humiliated me, sexually assaulted me and he thinks apologizing is going to fix it? Boys really are stupid. Their two brain cells can't even make them see how stupid they look when they do stuff like this.

"You touched me without my consent, Chase," I quietly tell him, "I'm not going to forgive you for that."

He's eaten some expired brownies if he thinks I'm forgiving him. If I forgive him, he'll see that as a getaway sign of doing what he did to me to another girl. I would never want what happened to me to happen to another girl.

How hard is it hearing no and stopping? Or seeing a change in body language? Or asking if they're okay and if they still want to?

Chase's jaw locks, he looks away then back at me with no emotion or sincerity.

"Rosé, you're a beautiful girl. You're cute and that attracts me to you. I'm not the best at keeping my hands to myself, so I act like a douchebag. You're the one girl who I have to chase, and that I crave. It sounds pathetic but it's the truth. I'm really sorry, Rosé." Chase ends up sounding annoyed, realizing that he's going to keep apologizing but I'm not going to fall for his act.

"No, all that doesn't justify your actions, Chase."

Chase's eyes harden in irritation. Scowling, he walks away without saying another word.

I'm not falling for Chase's fake apology. I may be naive and clueless but I can't abandon my morals for some guy who thinks sexual assault is a fun game. My past has made me weak but if I let Chase escape, I'm throwing away my progress and risking other girls getting hurt. 

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