Chapter 27

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"What do you mean?" She asks me with bafflement. "You promised me that if I helped you, you would stay with my brother. We had an understanding-,"

"We had one until I didn't know that your brother knew all about what Serena was doing to me!" I screamed out at her.

"That doesn't change a fucking thing, you can't go back on your words. My brother would come to his senses when he hears the full story out and he would leave her. He is just living in an illusion and I swear to god when he hears out the whole truth and how you have suffered through Erik's hands he will just cancel this whole wedding and be over with it," her explaining just makes me laugh out loud like a crazy person.

"You really think that you're brother will just cancel the wedding like that. He won't do it, Chyna he won't fucking do it because if he wanted to cancel it he would have until now-,"

"and yes he will! He will see through what woman she is and he would want to forget her like a bad dream and he would need you for that. We just need to get it all out,"

"Your brother knows everything, Chyna. He knows everything. He knows what Erik did to me. He knows every of my sufferings because I told him everything myself!" she grows silent at my words with her eyes going wide.

"No, no he doesn't. How?"

"How do you think I met your brother Chyna?" I look at her with a saddened smile and tears in my eyes. She had nothing to say. Not a word uttered.

"I conned him into thinking I needed help, that I was broken. I build a relationship being his patient and then I blurred the lines of professionalism. I gained his sympathy and pity from my sufferings and with each passing minute, I spent him I made him fall in love with me. The only draw back in my plan was that I didn't saw myself falling in love with him. He fell in love with me but what he didn't know was that I was Serilda, to him I was, Evelyn. The only thing I lied to him was about my name and nothing else. I told him each and everything he had suffered so if you really think that getting any trusth out would help in breaking this marriage then you are fucking wrong. Your brother is never going to do anything, he is a fucking sadist," I snapped at her as I breathed heavily. I saw the change happening in front of me. It started with a smile, her eyes not meeting mine and then the noise of her laugh echoing around us. She was laughing so hard with a hand of her stomach that I was sure she had gone mad, crazy. Maybe she has snapped, gone to the other side.

"Chyna," I called her but she wasn't hearing she was just laughing.

"Just give me a second," she said in between laughs.

"Just a moment," she held her stomach making herself stop from laughing.

"What the hell is happening to you?" I question looking at her with wild eyes. Was this some kind of game?

"I'm just in shock, actually," she stands straight looking at me. "You say that you conned my brother, lied to him about your identity and he believed it? Either you are lying or my brother played you,"

"I'm not fucking lying!" frustration and anger dripping out of my voice.

"Then you have been played, Serilda, because there is no way my brother could have not known you. He attended your wedding basically Serena's but he was there. He knew you since then, Serilda. He has always known you," the words tilt on its axis and the realisation of what she was saying crushed everything inside of me.

"My brother played you, Serilda. I remember it clearly because I was going to go with him but I was called in at the last time. He went alone because I dropped him there. If I had known this, I wouldn't have tried to stop this wedding because if you had already told him everything and he is still marrying her, there is no stopping him. He is going to marry her at all cost. Maybe I was wrong all along wrong, my brother isn't him anymore. He is not my brother, he isn't the Nathaniel I know," her lips trembled as she spoke the last word with tears in her eyes. She was hurting but I was dying from the inside.

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