Chapter 2

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The sound of someone in my room woke me up.

It was only Kelly cleaning my room and there wasn't a damn expression on her face that could have made me feel happy. The same old scowl over her face. sitting up I looked at the time it was ten in the morning already. Yawning loudly, I irritated Kelly making her scowl became bigger. She gave me another of her favorite glare. My shopping bags from two days before were on the floor and I was waiting for her to say something mean about it. Every time I came from shopping, she wouldn't hold her sarcastic comment about me spending on things of no use to me or that I didn't earn a dime in the money I spent.

Rather than throwing my bag, as usual, she picked it up and set it on the chair which was a first. I mean she didn't even say anything about my new light auburn color shade and my haircut from the last two days. Though I wasn't basically flashing it at her but she might have seen me and would have had a remark for me.

"Did the card declined or they kicked you out of the shop." And there was my favorite Kelly.

"No, there wasn't anything else that I would have wasted the money on." My smile just irritated her enough to clean fast. I always felt like she couldn't bear my presence.

"What is this here?" She picked up the two torn pieces of the wedding card.

"Yeah, it is a secret letter from my lover. I restored it to read my lover's secret code," She knew it was a wedding invitation but still asked so she gets a nasty reply. Dropping it instantly like it was a disease she rubbed her hands against her clothes. Glaring at me as she picked up her cleaning stuff and walked out of my room. It was already nine and I had very little time to get everything in order.

As soon as she was out, I panicked. I had to be out of there soon if I wanted to reach the stadium before the game started. I had got a ticket itself as soon as I saw he was going to the game but I needed to reach there before the game so I could catch him outside alone. Having a quick shower, I brushed my auburn colored hair in waves a whole stark different from the straight blonde long hair once I had.

For years my blonde hair has been long enough to reach my waist but after hearing the girls talk I thought of why not change my appearance to have the benefit of the doubt. I don't think anyone could any longer identify me until they saw me every day. So I had them cut off-shoulder length in layers, colored in the dark auburn shade with copper highlights. Even I couldn't recognize myself. I was a stark contrast to the last this world has seen me or my family had. I kept my makeup natural and dressed properly to make sure that no one could say no to me.

I was going to let the pain begins for them by placing myself in their life once again.

"I'm going out won't be back till the evening," I yelled out before leaving the house, knowing well that Kelly didn't care. I drove in a haste to the stadium as I looked at the time because I needed to catch him alone. There was no way I wanted to meet face to face his fiancée. Within a good twenty minutes, I reached my destination. After giving my make up a few last touches I got out of the car and waited. Turning on his Instagram I typed his name and looked at the posts. Facebook was nothing compared to what his insta was. I stalked him and here I was. The latest one was five minutes ago informing he was here. The words Out to enjoy my day caught my attention. A new picture of him standing in the crowd posted just a few seconds ago made me concentrate on him and only him. Now I knew what he wore, the teal color shirt he was wearing would be too easy to find but before that, I needed a drink.

A drink not meant for drinking.

I opted for a big glass of a red frenzy shake and went on my quest of finding him possibly alone. I walked with my head low and slouched shoulders the opposite of what was ingrained in me. There was an array of bad thoughts that I welcomed just to make sure there was an air of sadness and innocence wrapped around me. I looked all around sneakily until I found him. One look at him and I knew why she had chosen him; he was handsome and looked like a model but more than that he was like a breeze of new sunshine. As if he could glow up your love by just being in it. He was lively.

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