37: a plan for action

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Jungkook couldn't breathe.

He wasn't able to ever since he left Soojung. He was broken into tiny little fragments that never seemed possible to mend back.

Sometimes, he would lean over the sink after washing his hands, for a minute or two, unable to function. Tears would form in his eyes from the sorrow. Soojung was, in fact, everything he had. She was his world, the last sole purpose for him to live a little longer.

Jungkook wiped away his tears and put a lid to his heart, closed tightly in a confined space within him that he will never reach. He had to dissipate all emotions in him because....

It was time to meet his fiancé to be.

He arrives to the restaurant with a suit and tie, a little messier than his usual since he didn't care to look good at all. His eyes caught sight of his mother, seated together with another middle aged man and his daughter.

"This is Jungkook, my son. I pray for the two of you to have a blissful life!" his mother exclaims happily, wanting the best of the best for his son. But what she didn't know was that her son was crumbling away in the depths of his sadness, unable to process anything she says.

"Nice to meet you, Jungkook..." the chinese lady across the table greeted him, but with certain coldness in her eyes. Her expression almost matched Jungkook's, and he could tell she was being forced to this as well.

As both families chatted more, the more Jungkook was thrown into a trance. He stares silently at the table, not eating, not drinking anything.

"My son is perfect. I wanted him to marry her for a long time now, but I couldn't find a reason to force him to, until he recently made a rare position shift in his usual #1 rank! Imagine how pleased, yet shocked I was." His mother explains to the president of the Hwang company, snickering slightly.

"Please excuse me to the restroom." the lady says, before standing up to leave.

The Chinese lady fishes out her phone from her pocket, dialling a number as she hides in the corner of the restroom.

"Nayeon. It's me, your cousin. You know the Jungkook from your school? Well, he's here today. I blame you for ruining my life, why did you have to get first ?" She whines into the phone, walking circles around the restroom.

"Calm down, Tzuyan. Nobody knew this would happen. Take my advice and just get through it, I'll think of something for you."

"I can't stop worrying. I love ZhengTing. I want to marry him, not....Jungkook. Sure, he's nice and all, but my heart is with ZhengTing." Tzuyan's voice was lined with worry.

"Don't you worry, cousin." Nayeon assures her.

"I have a plan."

The next day

"Excuse me, is the vice president here?" Nayeon peeks her head in the classroom. As soon as she did, Soojung perks her head up.

Nayeon explains the situation to Soojung slowly, at a remote corner of the school.

"I want to offer you something." Nayeon smiles slightly, taking out something that seems to be a ticket and handing it over to her.

"I want you to go to London."

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