Chapter 3-Something is Wrong Here

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Wells keeps me from getting pushed to the ground from the others rushing out. In our little group I was basically the little sister as I was the one who was protected by the other two and the one who broke up their fights, comforted the loser, and helped them make up. When the chaos in the dropship died down he lets me go and faces me before signing "It's safe for you to turn it back on." I sign "Thanks." Before reaching up and turning it back on. He nods before doing a dramatic motion for me to take the first step. I smile and shake my head at him but step out into the sunlight. "I'm going to see if the rough landing hurt our communication system. Are you going to be fine on your own?" Wells asks from next to me then causing me to sigh as I look at him with a 'really?' look. He throws his hands up in defense saying "I was just asking." "I'll be fine." I sign so he tells me seriously "Okay, but if you're in any trouble call out for either Clarke or I. We'll come running." I give him an 'I know' look then so he gives me a smile as he ruffles my hair. I swat him off causing him to laugh as he walks back into the ship.

Taking a deep breath then, I walk off the ramp and look around at everyone as they celebrated. As I walked around looking at the different plant life I wondered if we were actually where we were supposed to be since there was no sign of any type of bunker around us. Sighing I turn around to find either Wells or Clarke to ask them and luckily see Clarke at the dropship. Walking over I say, instead of signing "I don't think we're in the right place." Which I only did because I was behind her and her, her parents, Wells, his father, and my adoptive parents were the only ones I felt comfortable enough around to actually use my voice. Others on the Ark would make fun of me or worse when I did or when they found out I was the "stupid deaf girl" by looking at my processor.

Looking up at me from the map in front of her Clarke says "I know Coop. They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain." She then looks back at the map, points to a spot, says "We're here.", moves her finger up to the spot that has Mt Weather printed on it, and adds "Here's Mount Weather. There's a radiation-soaked forest between us and our next meal." Sighing I sit next to the map so I was in front of her and when she looks back up at me I sign "At least we have each other." She smiles at me and nods before Wells walks out of the dropship and says "We got problems. The communications system is dead. I went to the roof. A dozen panels are missing. Heat fried the wires." As he joins us. "Well, all that matters right now is getting to mount weather. See? Look." Clarke says before doing the same thing she did with me with the map causing Wells to be stupid and ask "Where'd you learn to do that?"

I give him an 'even I can't help you now' look causing him to sigh out "Your father." It was then that a boy with goggles on his head came over saying "Ah, cool, a map. They got a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer." Wells immediately grabbed his arm and started pushing him back with a "You mind?" That's when a somewhat familiar voice says "Hey, Hey, Hey. Hands off of him. He's with us." I look at the group of boys trying to figure out who was familiar as Wells says "Relax. We're just trying to figure out where we are." "We're on the ground. That not good enough for you?" Bellamy chimes in then from his spot next to Octavia as some other kids came to watch. Wells looks at him, walks over, and says "We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message. That has to be our first priority." Causing Clarke and I to follow him knowing everyone but the two of us probably wanted him dead because of his father. "Screw your father. What you think you're in charge here? You and your little princesses?" Octavia snaps with hatred in her eyes as she looks at the three of us causing Clarke to shift over so she was blocking me from her as she tells her "Do you think we care who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather, not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we will get. And the harder this'll be. How long do you think we will last without those supplies? We're looking at a twenty-mile trek, okay? So, if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave, now." Unfortunately, instead of agreeing with logic Bellamy says "I got a better idea. You three go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change." Which causes almost everyone to say "Yeah" in agreement.

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