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Several of the ol' ladies welcomed me when I first started in the kitchen. The club girls didn't really like me. I was up before Briant down in the kitchen with the ladies making breakfast. "So has he asked you to actually be his ol' lady?" One asked. "He did ask me to be his girlfriend before he was supposed to be released from prison." I said.

"If he asks you to be his ol' lady, would you say yes or no?" A second one asked. "Probably yes. He has taken care of me. After we left, he switched me to his phone contract and paid for everything even though I have more than fifty thousand put away." I said. "If he was exiled from an MC so would you." Another said.

"I wouldn't care." I said. When breakfast was ready, several men were already at the tables. "I think I overheard a guy say that they were having church this morning. Guests can't attend though." One more said. We served the guys the food. I noticed they were drinking various things.

Once everyone was served I went up to the room and opened the door. Briant was still out, flat on his back, lightly snoring. I went over to the bed and got up on it, straddling him. He didn't stirred. I leaned down kissing him. He sighed stretching. I continued to kiss him.

He groaned. I sucked on his ear lobe before holding it between my teeth. His hands shot to my hips.  I let go as I kissed his jaw up to his lips. His lips captured mine. I ground against him. He groaned again before flipping us.

"I wouldn't do that baby." He said. "I don't care." I told him. He chuckled. "That's a better wake up than my alarm." He rasped. "Breakfast is downstairs." I said. "I've got breakfast right here." He said before claiming my lips again. I wrapped my legs around his waist holding him to me.

He moved the covers from between us. Then nearly buried his groin between my thighs. "I could easily do it, but I always ask for permission." He said. "How much do you love me?" I asked him. "Infinity baby girl." He answered. "How much do you love me?" He asked. "Infinity." I answered. "How much do you trust me baby?" He asked.

"More than I let on." I said. "Honestly, I want to just skip the whole girlfriend phase. Would you like to be my ol' lady?" He asked. "You've done so much for me already. It still feels like it's going too fast for me." I said. "Listen to me baby girl. I know it is. We can call it off anytime though. If I've claimed you, it means that no other guy can touch you or if they do anything to you, they will be punished for it.

"I don't have to ask you to marry me until your comfortable with it. You being called my ol' lady, that's practically calling you my wife, my property, and my equal." He said sitting up and pulling me onto his lap. "I saw how unhappy you were there doing the same thing every day. Every few weeks going to visit the only family that absolutely knew what was wrong. I watched you every single time you came in.

"All while waiting on my brother that I thought didn't want to come see me anymore. I couldn't stop thinking about the bored look on your face. I fell in love with you, just watching you. I wasn't trying to be a stalker or..." He sighed. "I wanted to get to know you, I didn't know how to get your attention. I couldn't ask your cousin about you. He would have beaten on me if I did.

"Every single guy there knew he was protective of you. Only after you talked to me was he ok with it. I love hearing your sweet voice baby. I love getting to hold you. Feeling you behind me on my bike, your arms around my waist. Your touch." He said. I sniffled. "Please don't cry baby. You have a right to hate me for that." He said.

"I don't hate you. You took me from that town. Away from my parents and those that didn't care about my future." I told him. He held me against his body. I'm not passing this moment up. "If you want me to be your ol' lady, I'll be your ol' lady." I said. He kissed me. "It also means that your entitled to my time and anything you want from me." He said.

He kissed me deeply holding me against his body. I could feel his arousal through my jeans. I could tell he was holding back for me. He pulled back before setting me on the bed. It actually felt good. I stood up from the bed stopping him from getting dressed.

"I want you." I told him. "How do you want me?" He asked. I messed with his waistband. He picked me up. His hands resting under my butt. "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded. He pressed me against the wall. "Would you like to play first?" He asked. "Depends on what you have in mind." I said.

He laid me down on the bed asking if he could take my jeans off. I nodded. He pulled them off before kissing above my waist line. He pulled my underwear down slowly as a tease. I whimpered. He took them off completely. He started slowly before completely ravishing my area.

Then moving up my body taking my shirt and bra off. He ran his hands along my body as he claimed my lips. "Are you absolutely sure you want this?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes." I answered. He went for the bedside table. I watched as he opened the package. I watched as he removed his underwear and reclaimed me.

"I'll go slow baby. I'll be gentle." He said.

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