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It's been silent. Dad doesn't like how some of these guys are. I got a day off at the boutique so I'm at the diner. One guy thought it would be funny to dump his drink in the floor right where I need to walk. So I went around the mess. The boss came out and had the guy clean it up. I figured out who his son was after officially meeting him the other day.

He was the one that pinned that guy to the wall the first day he came in. They're building the expansion of the building as we speak. They already had the framework and concrete floor down. I hope it looks seamless like it was never built onto. The other building was taken down and the parking lot was expanded.

The boss and most of the guys are not here. It's the common regulars, myself, and Cook. It's pretty calm other than the construction. Several of the old coots are sitting there talking bout that one gang that wanted to completely destroy the town around the time I was born.

"They're going to do the same thing when they see we don't have what they're looking for." Mr. Hatfield said. I went over with a pot of coffee. "What do you think Haidyn?" Mr. Hatfield asked me. "Well man that bought this place is the president of the group. He wanted to expand the diner and make it the largest." I said.

"Those men can be pretty grabby." Mr. Joseph said as I filled his mug. "The boss has cameras all over this place. His son and four of his buddies come in daily to get a drink and food and to referee the joint." I said. "So, if they touch a girl inappropriately, there's five guys that will stand up and drag that guy to their president and let him deal with him."

"Would you say that they're much more calm than that other group?" Mr. Raeins asked. "I don't know yet. So far, they've done some good to this town. A few new shops have opened, and we've never had this much business at any of the stores, we're getting money in and putting more into this town than we've ever had." I said.

"Girl's got a point. The town is starting to pick up." Mr. Flanader said. The roar of bikes came down main. "Well. Have a good day Haidyn. Keep your grandpa out of trouble for us." Mr. Hatfield said throwing some bills down. The rest of them did the same before leaving the diner. I scraped all of the money off the table into my apron and cleaned the mugs off the table.

The other waitress came out and helped me. I took the mugs back as the boss came in. Then went to the register. I had the price for a mug of coffee drilled in my head. I put it in the register and put the extra in my pocket as a tip. I ran around putting cups on the tables as they all parked and cursed laughing about something the boss came out as I started filling them.

One of the other waitresses came in, in heels taller than she should have been wearing. She let the men grab at her. Her short denim skirt and shirt tied to right below her breasts. She looked like she could take a stick right between her legs and make it look like they're just kissing.

When the boss' son came in with his buddies, I set glasses on their table and put in their order. After I put their food on the table his son pulled me onto his lap. He took the tray handing it to one of his buddies. "How are you doing today angel?" He asked.

"Would prefer to be doing my job." I answered. "What if I asked you on a date?" He asked. "Gotta know your name first." I answered. "Jacob." He answered. "Do you know my name?" I asked. "Do I need to?" He smarted. "You're lucky you've got some power." I said. "Why?" He asked.

"Because you would not stand a chance with me." I said before shoving his chair back and standing. I grabbed my tray going back to the kitchen. I looked back through the kitchen window seeing him standing there looking shocked. "I knew you were going to pull that one. No one saw it coming." Cook said.

"I don't put up with snarky and smart*ss remarks." I told him.

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