chapter 3

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Arthits POV

There are 2 things I hate in this school
1 singto
2 the secret follower ....

I hate singto because I am afraid I will Fall for him....
Ya... You are right..  Am a gay...
Well my parents knows it and they support me( they can't stand a chance against my pouting and sulking face na)
Except for my parents , no one knows this truth including my friends... To maintain my image I just walk around flirting with girls and dating them for a day or two.. Literally I have the collages top playboy title along with the heartthrob title...
The only person I had a crush is the nerd singto....
If you ask me why... Its because of his eyes and that million dollar smile...
His eyes is like a magnet that attracts me...
That award winning smile.... OMG... I only saw it once... On the first day he transfered to my class....
That smile caused 100 butterflies to fly inside my stomach... My knees went weak ...
When our eyes met for a second my cheeks turned scarlet red...
Tho I won't admit it outside.. He is the most handsome guy I have ever met...

But these things doesn't mean I dont hate him....
I hate him because he never acknowledges my presence .. 

The secret follower....
I  have a feeling that someone is always following me...
It started few days after my dad got a threat about trying to kidnap me...
Its been months that I started feeling the presence of someone near me...
To tell the truth I am scared . 
Till now that follower has never slowed up in front of me nor have tried to hurt me....
Is that person trying to protect me or hurt me ....?
Anyways...  I hate that person for scaring the shit out of me by his presence

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