Chapter 28 - Xavier

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Harper and I were on our way to mum and dads to announce the pregnancy. She was now 16 weeks pregnant and starting to show, but wanted to wait a little longer to be sure that we wouldn't miscarry the baby before we broke the news to them. I was excited as hell and pregnancy really suited Harper. She was still small but she had a slight bump and her boobs looked fucking delectable. I swear Harper's sexual prowess heightened after the pregnancy, and has been lucky enough to avoid morning sickness until only recently.

I looked over and saw her staring out the window intently and biting her lip so hard. I knew how nervous she was but I've been dying to tell my parents about the baby since we found out. I reached over and clutched her much smaller hand in mine, which seemed to pull Harper out of her reverie. She looked over at me before breaking out in the most beautiful smile ever, but I could tell that she was trying to hide her anxiousness.

"Sweetheart, it'll be fine. My parents have been waiting for years to be grandparents and they love you. Not as much as I do, but they'll be thrilled. So stop worrying so much, you might stress out our little peanut. Okay," I said smiling over at her briefly before focusing my attention back on the road.

"I'm sorry. I just think everything is happening so fast and I'm just trying to catch up. Your parents are probably still trying to wrap their head around us being a couple and now we've got a little one on the way," she answered in a hushed tone with a little quiver at the end.

I pulled over to the side of the road and parked our car. I unbuckled Harper's seatbelt and pushed my seat back and sat her in my lap. I grabbed her face and made her look me in the eye, and what I saw in them was fear. I needed to reassure this girl that everything was going to be okay. I knew with every fibre of my being that her and the baby meant the world to me. I don't care that we've only been together for a short time, I knew this was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and build a home and family with.

"Sweetheart, look at me. I understand where you're coming from but you need to trust me when I say everything is going go work out just fine. Mum and dad will be happy about the baby. I'm happy about the baby. As a matter of fact I wish she'd get here already because I'm dying to meet her."

"You mean him," Harper announced with a slight smile on her face as she wrapped a protective arm around her abdomen.

"Let's agree to disagree," I answered laughing, which only caused Harper to roll her eyes at me. "I love you you Harper. More than I've loved anyone I have ever known and I know that this baby is only going to teach me to love in a capacity that I never knew I was capable of. When you worry, I worry and right now that's not good for you, or our little peanut. So, we're gonna head to mum and dad's, celebrate the good news with them and we're going to..." I waggled my eyes which only caused Harper to throw her head back in laughter and slap my head.

"If you play your cards right, you might just get some," she replied in a sultry tone.

"I'm counting on it," I said, placing her back on her seat, buckling her back in before getting back on the road. The rest of the journey was peaceful with Harper talking on and on about her students and me laughing my head off at some of their antics. Before I knew it, we were pulling into my parents driveway and Harper started to go all silent on me again.

"Sweetheart, breathe in and relax. Everything will be fine. Trust me," I said, getting out of the car and rushing over to the other side to get Harper's door for her. She clutched my hand fiercely and got out. We made our way to the entrance and entered mum and dads, and were instantly hit with the most intoxicating aroma of mums famous rigatoni pasta. Harper's stomach chose that moment to grumble and and she instantly turned a bright shade of pink that made her look all the more adorable.

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