Chapter 22 - Xavier

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I have officially become a stalker. I often find myself driving past Sutton Park Primary School everyday after work hoping to catch a glimpse of Harper, or see her walking home so I can offer her a ride. So far, I haven't had any luck. I would even drive by her bakery looking for her and still no luck. It sucked that I didn't have her number and Macy wouldn't give them to me let alone talk to me unless it was absolutely necessary. I couldn't ask my parents because they'd get suspicious and I still haven't come clean to them about my own treatment of Harper. It was bad enough having Macy hate me but I don't think I'd be able to handle it if my parents were angry at me too. I beat myself up about every time I'm left alone with my thoughts.

My company ball was tomorrow night and I have been dying to ask Harper to come as my date, but I haven't seen or heard from her since she left that morning. By the time I had showered and gotten dressed to help her and Macy with the move; her bedroom was empty and looked like she hadn't been living with me at all. I never got around to asking what her new address was and she didn't come and say goodbye and that's the part that sucked the most. I was angry at her for not coming to see me before she left, even though I knew I had no right to be mad after all the shit that I had put her through. I thought that our last night together would mean a little something to her but boy was I wrong.

I have relived that night with Harper for the past week and wake up with the biggest hard on since then. Cold showers have become a routine every morning and I grew tired of having to suppress my hunger for her with my hand. It got boring really quick and left me unsatisfied. I even find myself sitting in board meetings thinking about the little moans she makes when I'm inside her or just kissing her, the taste of her lips and just the feeling of being close to her. It may have been one night, but she had me hooked. I look down at the wallpaper on my phone, which is a photo I had secretly taken of Harper lying with her hair splayed around my chest with a look of content as she slept. I visit mum and dad every night after the gym in the hopes that Harper would be there, but I always just miss her by the time I get there. I have gone completely mad just wanting to see her.

"Dude did you hear what I just said," an agitated Nate asks, clicking his fingers in my face to get my attention, as we sit in a booth at the bar after work.

"Shit, sorry man. What was it you were saying?"

"I asked if I could bring a date tomorrow and you better say yes because I've already asked her to get a dress ready for tomorrow night," he answers frustrated that I haven't really been paying him any attention at all.

"Yeah, no problem. Who's the girl? I didn't know you were seeing anyone," I say knowing full well that Nate's never really had a serious relationship ever.

"I'm not seeing anyone. I had dinner with Macy, Brian and Harper last night and asked Harper if she'd be my date tomorrow and she said yes," he said casually.

I felt my blood boil when he said that Harper was his date. I could feel myself shaking with anger but the emotion that was more prominent was jealousy. How can she go with my best friend. Did our night together really not mean anything at all to her? I wanted to punch something, or more precise, I wanted to punch Nate's face.

"Dude, what's wrong? You can't tell me that you still hate the girl. She's actually really nice and hot too. She told me she's never been to a ball before so I thought why not ask her and I did."

I had no right to be angry at Nate or Harper, but fuck it, I was pissed off and jealous as hell. I was supposed to be the one taking her to her first ball. Me, not Nate. He probably didn't care that this would be her first ball. I would have hired a limousine or even a vintage car to take us, bought her a corsage and doted on her all night; but I can't because she chose Nate over me.

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