chapter 5

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I sit in the classroom the next day. It was my final class of the day. Geography. After that I would go home to another place I hate. As I hear the bell ring I get up and walk right out if school, I speed walk to the buss stop and waited of it. Today in Spanish class that gave us a Spanish book to read, it was about a 5 grades level it was really thin, only 37 pages.

The plan was to read it and write down the plot, in Spanish of course, I had until Thursday to give it in, and it was Tuesday. But there was one problem, I didn't speak Spanish.

I didn't have a problem with the language I just didn't see a point in it, why would I have to know Spanish? Would I really need it in my life? Would this really be necessary for me? Maybe other people that would go to college yeah, but me? I don't need an extra language for a pathetic low time job, because that was my future, I liked it or not. Just as I began to think about my future and how I could easily change it the buss came in.

I sat down next to a man that looked asleep and opened my book to the first page. I squint my eyes and try to read it.

"Es curioso ver la naturaleza y su maravillas, todo está perfectamente diseñando, por ejemplo tomemos el ciclo del agua, llueve, se riega toda la tierra, proporcionado cultivó y nos da alimento, la agua sobrante es llevada a los ríos y evaporada tiempo después. Esto ayuda a animales como los pájaros, insectos, ganado y muchos otros a poder sobrevivir, incluso a nosotros mismos."

After that I had no idea what it meant, something about a bird maybe? I put the book back in my backpack and decide to just look for the translated book on google, I didn't care if I cheated my way out of it, I was going to cheat my way out of everything soon.

Just as I stated to get sleepy the bus gets to my stop, I walk out and head to the house. As usual, I put my things away and go eat something, I get cheese and tortillas to make me some quesadillas, as I saw heating them up I started to feel alone again, just me surrounded by walls and emptiness, nothing new for me at all, but I don't think anyone likes to be alone, maybe it's relaxing for a while but after days and weeks and months and years you feel something missing inside you, something that nor food or money could fill up. You start getting the need for human touch too, wanting to be hold and wanting to be touched, and when you don't have any of that you start to feel this stiff and shiver feeling in your body, that soon becomes released whenever someone touches you, feeling unpleasant and even jerking away when that happens. Not because you don't want it, it's because your body has become so use to not being touch, that when it is, it doesn't know how to react, realizing stimulation that was kept inside you.

Thank you biology I guess? I don't even know how I remember that.

Just as I was about to finish my quesadillas my parents come in. I get up and put my plat away and try to run to my room, but they saw me before I could.

"Hey how was school" my mom said as she walked in.

"Same" I mumble as I walk away.

"No don't go now, we brought food" he puts a pizza box on the table, of course, even with a perfect kitchen and fresh food they still had to get take out food, I liked pizza, but there was just something I loved about home food, something about the freshness and the originality of everything you cook just got to me.

"I already ate" I say as I walk away.

"At least take one slice to your room" she said but just as I was about to say no my dad came in.

"Son, sit and eat with us" his voice was demanding and ruff, so I sit down with them and wait for them to start eating first.

"So you went to the hospital today" my dad said as I chewed on my pizza. My eyes looked up, how did he know? "Your teacher Steen sent us an email for confirmation."

Types of tears (COMPLETED) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ