Chapter 30 | Back to NYC

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'Spent 24 hours
I need more hours with you
Spent the weekend
Getting even ooh'

(/ _ ; )

We arrived at the airport using the earliest flight there was.

"I didn't want to be rude and ask, but you were shot, and bleeding everywhere. What happened?" Peter asks, sitting next to me on the airport stool.

"Something you shouldn't worry about," I don't want to drag more people into this.

"So you're going back to your parent's house? They must be worried," he continued the conversation.

"No, I'm going back to my house," I smile politely.

"You own a house? Aren't you only 19?" He asks shocked.

"More or less," is a mansion considered a house?

"Uhm, okay," there was an awkward silence.

"Can I try calling someone again?"

"Yes, here," he gives me his phone. I thank him and walk to an isolated corner hoping this time it would work.

I try Blake again, Ace is probably flipping through all the information he has to find me so he's not gonna respond.

After about ten rings, Blake finally picks up.


"Blake, it's Ray," there was a little breaking out in the connection before I hear.

"Ray?" A feeling of happiness rushes through me.

"I don't have much time. I'm in Texas and currently going back," I rush, scared the line would completely shut off.

"Texas? What happened?"

"Just tell Ace to calm down and eat something, and that I will be back in a couple of hou—" suddenly, the line cuts off and I just hope he got the message.

I sigh and walked back to where peter was and give him the phone with a tight smile.

"Parents?" He chuckles half heartedly.

"Just a family member," I correct. Blake is like my brother basically.

Skip the boring part of getting trough security, the long flight, and the uneasy feeling i had, we arrive several hours later to downtown New York.

"Is this where we say goodbye?" Peter asks. We've been talking a lot in order to pass the time.

"How about i treat you for coffee?" I ask, looking at the dark sky that was blue the last time I saw it.

"There's no need for the hassle," he says flustered.

"It's nothing! It's the least I can do, besides this won't be the only time we'll see each other," I offer a big smile. "I know a good one down the street?"

"Or we can go to the one a bit father away," he suggests.

"Whatever suits you, guest of honor," I joke and he laughs mockingly.

As we're waiting for a taxi to drive us, I start feeling weird again. "Hey, isn't it a little too quiet?" I chuckle nervously, suddenly getting terrified.

"Now that you mention it, it is supposed to be the city that doesn't sleep," he brushes it off while I start creating scenarios.

For example, someone sneaking up for behind Peter and me just standing there in shock to watch him get knocked out. It takes me a second to realize that it's not a daydream but real life. By the time they come to me, which seemed like milliseconds, my voice was caught up in my throat and I crash on the ground.

A c e

"It's Ray," Blake barges into the office, panting.

"What about her?" I pay attention, seeing his distraught look.

"She called, but the line wouldn't stay. She says she's in Texas and for you to calm down," he rants.

"In Texas? What's she doing in Texas?" I stand up, run my hands through my hair.

"She said to tell you not to worry and she'll be back," he finishes.

"Did you track the number?"

"How stupid do you think I am? Of course I ran the number in. It's a random number, but it went out of service just now," he informs.

"Search every airport, keep an eye on the phone and send a message to the south mallows to try and find her," I order sternly.

Just as he nods, my phone buzzes and thinking it's ray, I pick up quickly and wait for the person to speak.

"Ah, my lovely companion, how I've missed you," the second I hear his voice, I feel my heart beat slower and cautiously waiting for what he has to say.

"I don't want to be dramatic my friend, but we've got what you're looking for," he laughs. "Well, not yet, but know we're tracking them. Don't bother with trying to get to them first mate, it just won't happen."

"What exactly is your problem, Antonio? You want money? It's pathetic," I grit out.

"Just having a bit of fun before I'm old and wrinkly," he says.

"I don't care what you think, I will get her back, and you will die a slow painful death when I see you," I threaten.

"Oh I'm not the antagonist that is too self absorbed. I have no doubt you'll get her, o' great leader of mafia. That won't stop me from having some fun of my own first though," I can feel my blood boiling and thumping in my head as if telling me to shred him to pieces.

"If you even lay a single hand on her-"

"Waaay too late comrade, cheers mate," and he hangs up the phone.

I curse under my breath and push my desk causing it to fall down with a great thud. However, it doesn't calm me down so I grab the lamp and throw that too and continue to destroy my office.

I just reread the last chapter and the amount of grammar mistakes, or just spelling errors, is pathetic. I'm sorry to all the grammar freaks, which I would like to consider myself one, but it's all I can do for now. I'll go back in once school gives us a somewhat long holiday. Also, I'm not planning on ending this story quite yet however, ap classes are kicking the life out of and I'm not enjoying it. So I apologize for not uploading, hope you understand.

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