Concerns and Conditions

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I walked to my class quietly. Britney’s question ringing through my head. Are we just being friendly for the class or is there a deeper meaning behind it all? To be honest I enjoy his company. This friendship wasn’t at all forced. It was natural. It was easy. Sometimes I found it easier talking to Bryce then it is to talk to Britney, and I’ve known Britney since I’ve moved here last year. She was the first person I met, who introduced me to everyone.

Bryce? Well I’ve known Bryce for what? A week? But with him, I can be myself. I can talk about soccer, my passion, and not be criticized for it. Brit, she’s played soccer since she could walk, but she’d rather be shopping then kicking a ball around on the field, and that didn’t bother me. Sometime, I wish I knew someone who loved soccer as much as I did. And with Bryce, I think I found that person.

I dwelled on this all day. When I walked into my last class of the day, Britney came rushing towards me. “Summer, I’m sorry.” She said, throwing her arms around me.

“For what?” I asked.

“I shouldn’t have said what I did earlier.” She told me.

I didn’t answer; I wanted to hear her say more.

“I don’t want this guy to hurt you. I know how torn up you got over him last week. And I see the way you look at him Summer. You can’t lie to me. You have feelings for him. And I just don’t want him to hurt you.” She told me.

“Britney, don’t worry about me okay?” I told her, hugging her tighter.

“It’s hard not to worry about you! You’re like my sister!” she said.

“Alright class, sit down!” Mr. Marz said.

Britney and I rushed to our seats. We knew that Mr. Marz would not hesitate to get us suspended from soccer if we were out of our seats. He already got six boys suspended from the football team, and two girls from the volleyball team.

I leaned back in my seat as he started to talk about the Cold War. I let out a silent yawn. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket which made me bolt up. I slipped it out of my pocket and glanced at it from under the cover of my desk.

BRYCE: Hey, wana ride home today?

I quickly typed in the word yes, followed by a question.

SUMMER: Do you wana go for a run? I kind of need to do something relaxing.

BRYCE: I couldn’t agree more…

I smiled, and slipped my phone back into my pocket. I noticed Britney was staring at me from across the room. I smiled back but she just looked away. I knew she was worried, but that didn’t mean I was going to stop talking to Bryce.


I rushed out the doors and to the parking lot. Bryce leaned against his truck, twirling his keys around his finger. He smiled at me as if the situation this morning this morning never happened. And I smiled back.

“Hey Summer, did you hear about our game against Troy in two weeks?”

“Yeah?” I knew about the game, it was posted on the bulletin board this morning.

“Well, I really want you to come-“

“I don’t know Bryce, last time I went-“

“I know, last time I was a jerk. But I would really like you there when we kick their sorry asses!”

I smiled. “I would love to go.” I said. “But I’ll only go if you show you can be decent to me around your friends BEFORE the game.” I said crossing my arms.

“DEAL!” Bryce said, reaching out his hand. I shook it, and our hands lingered for a second. We both pulled away, and laughed awkwardly.

“Hey Bryce?”


“Do you want to go to one of my games?” I asked, nervously twirling my hair around my finger.

“Sure, when?” he asked, putting the key into ignition, and backing out of is parking spot.


My Soccer BoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang