Class Conflict

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I sat at my desk staring ahead. I was dreading coming to class. I even thought about skipping. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I didn’t even look at him when he walked in, I just stared at the chalk board. I only noticed that he was here when I heard the creek of the desk behind me.

The bell rang, and Frau Ash walked to the front of the room. “Good morning class, today we will be using the phrases I taught you yesterday to interview your partner. Here’s a paper to get you started.” She said handing out papers. I quietly groaned and turned to face Bryce. He had a look of annoyance on his face as well as a slightly bruised eye.

“So I guess we should get started...” I said glancing at the paper.



“Why the hell did you leave last night?!” he questioned loudly, leaning forward.

“Your seriously gona ask me that?” I glared at him.

“Answer me soph-y” he said glaring at me.

“Fuck you Bryce.” I snapped. I couldn’t stand that word soph-y. I couldn’t stand him! Whatever feelings I had for him last night were gone.

I walked up to Frau Ash and looked at her with pleading eyes. “Frau Ash, I can’t do this project. He’s impossible to work with!”

“Again Summer? Well if you are unwilling to work on this project I have no choice but to give you a zero on the assignment.”

“Fine.” I said.

I walked to my desk and place my head on my desk. I wanted to cry and scream and throw up and punch Bryce in his face. Ugggg I’m so flustered. I just couldn’t wait to go home.

While I sat there, I could feel Bryce’s eyes on me.


I sat on my bed and glared at my ball. Coach had canceled practice again, and it was killing me. I needed to let out my frustration. This day was just terrible over all. I rolled over and hugged my ball, feeling emotionally exhausted. I closed my eyes wanting to escape into dream much better than my life.



I paced back and forth in my room. This girl, this sophomore girl was driving me crazy. And I couldn’t figure out why. She was right yesterday, but wouldn’t admit that to her. That would be like admitting defeat. But watching her leave yesterday, was more painful than all the blows I had received from Trenton yesterday.

I shook my head trying to clear her from my mind. I needed to clear my mind. I grabbed my soccer ball and my cleats. Playing would be the only way i think I could even come close to clearing my mind. 

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